disneywithkids journal (start oct14-04)(comments welcome)


May 4, 2003
Well here it goes...It isn't quite 9am and I just finished the cherry cheesecake that I made last night (all by myself minus a piece each for dh and dds). I am so ticked off at myself that I thought what am I going to do to stop this! and then I thought of the wish board :sunny:

I am going to try and post every morning with a plan and see if I can follow through! I have tried to 'be good' one day at a time before and it hasn't worked...but maybe now that it is 'public', I will try harder.

I'm turning 40 on November 22 and I wanted to be back to where I was before kids eight years ago. I used to work out alot and weighed about 140. Now I weigh just over 170 and hardly ever exercise. I miss the energy and joy of feeling good!

There is an exercise class that starts in half an hour and I'm waffling as I write this whether to go or not (I also should be working as the class would take away time from my home business).

The other thing I want to do is eat healthy - so I will only eat fruit, vegetables, salad, homemade lentil soup and paella (rice with chicken and shrimp) for the rest of today. I will also try to drink a minimum of 5 glasses of water today.

:wave: until tomorrow...
YEA!!! :Pinkbounc :bounce:

I had to come back and post that I went to the class...now just to focus on the food and water for the rest of the day.

I looked at the gym's schedule and I am going to commit to all the 9:30 am exercise classes except wed and sunday. In the beginning, I will skip a class if it seems that I am overdoing it.

bye once again :wave:
Welcome to WISH! You are already on the right track, way to go getting to that exercise class this morning and making a commitment to it! I personally feel that writing in my journal and knowing that people are going to read it really does help me, I hope it does the same for you! Good luck! :)
Princess Michelle - Thanks for the support! I had a quick glance through some other journals earlier and I noticed that you often write words of encouragement...It's so nice of you to take time out to do that! Good luck in achieving your goals as well! :)

Day 2:
Stress is my biggest challenge. When I get stressed out, I just want to eat! This morning, my 5 year old dd was being SO difficult to get ready for school that by the end of the morning, I could have easily gotten off track but I managed to just have a bowl of cereal (Vector - one of the 'better' ones). (It really did help knowing that I was going to have to post in my journal what I ate )

I achieved my food and water goals yesterday. Today, I decided to skip the exercise class and go for sure tomorrow (my body already needs a rest :rolleyes: but I will commit to a 20 minute walk sometime today!)

Today, I will again eat vegetables and fruit for snacks etc. For lunch, I will have salad with mozarella cheese. Tonight, I am going to make chicken and pork fajitas on whole wheat tortillas with peppers, onion, lettuce, tomatoes and cheese - I will only have two.

5 glasses of water again today - I have to work up to eight! :p

Have a great day everyone!
It's only been 4 hours and I had to get back here to remind myself to stick with it...my mind was wandering to picking up a 'chunky kitkat' chocolate bar at the checkout counter when I go to pick up a few healthy groceries that I need later today!

I had gotten into the habit of picking a kitkat up most times that I stop at the grocery store!

OK...I'm over it now...:crazy: ... I think i have talked myself out of it...whew...close one...I would have bought one for sure!
DWK (that's disneywithkids - initials :p ), you're going to have to retrain yourself at the grocery store! Usually they have at least one candy-free checkout lane - hopefully you can use that one! Those little habits will be tough to break but you can do it!

Stress eating - I could write a book on that subject, but only on how to do it, not how to stop it! :teeth: :crazy: I'm still working on that one myself! I think it was Dr. Phil who suggested doing something "incompatible with eating" like crocheting or scrapbooking or cleaning or dancing - anything that doesn't work well with food.

Welcome to the WISH Journal board and best wishes for success! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:


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