Do kids need ID to get on a plane?

They should not need ID. When DD and I went down to WDW in 12/05 she was 9. I brought along an ID that I had received when she had her fall pictures taken at school just in case. I never had any problems.
No, we have 4 year old twins, and they've flown several times. I've never needed ID for them, though once, when they were one, one got patted down by security. Yeah.
I think it depends on the airline! We were required to show proof 2x's last year for both of our DD's(ages 6&7),I'd say call to be sure-afterall it would be a shame to get there and run into problems!:)
Travelers will need passports if they are traveling outside the US. As for within, I don't know what proof you would need.
i always bring my ds birth certificate just in case but i've never been asked to show it or anything else
I believe the policy for most airlines is children under 18 flying with parents do not need identification. We flew SWA in 6/06 and did not need anything for ds7. You do not need passports if flying within US or Us territories (Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands). Check with your airline to make sure.
I would check with your airline. We were told several years ago that if they were under the age of 12 they did not need one, but after that they were not strict but we showed the school ID's after that.

Passports are only required if you travel outside the US.
We almost had a little problem with our 11 year old when leaving Orlando Airport in December. The security person who was checking our IDs and boarding passes asked each boy his name so she could match it against the tickets. Our 11 year old has Asperger's Syndrome which makes social encounters difficult for him. He told her his name but said his nickname (just a shortened version of his name - not anything weird). His full name was on the ticket and she didn't want to let him through until he said his full name. I kept telling him to say his real name but he insisted on saying his nickname. The security agent was getting a little testy with him and I had to tell her he has a form of autism. She said we should get him a photo ID for traveling if he refuses to say his name and then she let us through.
I am pretty sure that you will not need ID for the kids to get their tickets, it can't hurt if you have it though. But for security, I know that they do not need id if under 18.
We almost had a little problem with our 11 year old when leaving Orlando Airport in December. The security person who was checking our IDs and boarding passes asked each boy his name so she could match it against the tickets. Our 11 year old has Asperger's Syndrome which makes social encounters difficult for him. He told her his name but said his nickname (just a shortened version of his name - not anything weird). His full name was on the ticket and she didn't want to let him through until he said his full name. I kept telling him to say his real name but he insisted on saying his nickname. The security agent was getting a little testy with him and I had to tell her he has a form of autism. She said we should get him a photo ID for traveling if he refuses to say his name and then she let us through.

My 11 year old DS has PDD and his new thing is that he only says the first part of some words because he thinks something bad will happen to him if he says the whole word. He's a little OCD too I guess. If this phase lasts until August I can see him not saying his full name too. Better bring some kind of ID for him. I think think I got one with his school pictures too.
No, we have 4 year old twins, and they've flown several times. I've never needed ID for them, though once, when they were one, one got patted down by security. Yeah.

Yes, isn't that SOO much fun? A few years ago, BEFORE 9/11 my then 2 year old had is beloved light up Buzz Lightyear shoes on, and they demanded that they take them off, and we couldn't fly with the shoes! Apparently the security lady had never seen light up shoes before and they were freaking her out??? Yeah. That was really enjoyable, telling DS that the shoes had to go bye-bye. It was like we had brought in a bowie knife or something. She made a really big deal about how "weird" the shoes were and how I "really should be more thoughtful about what I allow my kids to wear to the airport". We had to stop at a Walmart after we got off the plane and buy him some new ones.
Carrying ID for kids is a great thing. The DMV in California will give official IDs to Kids for $21 bucks. Its worth it to not get hassled by airlines.

Passport rule. You only need a passport if traveling outside the continental 48 states.
We flew spirit with an 11 month old and an 8 yr old last July~ no one asked for ID from the kids going or returning.


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