Does anyone else get this way about their old cars?


DIS Veteran
Aug 17, 1999
Now that the time has come and there's no more waiting, I'm almost depressed that I'm going to have to get rid of my old car. :( Sure, it's had its problems, but it's also taken me through a lot. I've had it for 6 years, and it was overall a good car during that time (even if I did complain about it every time the slightest thing went wrong with it).

Geez, I'm imagining driving off leaving it as a trade-in, and the car suddenly has these big puppy-dog eyes telling me I'm abandoning it. :rolleyes:

Does anyone else get attached to their cars?
My Cuervo! She's my baby! I would have MAJOR issues giving her up. I've had her for four and a half years now, and since DH gets the next new/used car, she has to go another 5 years. With ten years of attachment, I don't know how I'd give her up! Especially not knowing if her new owner will take care of her or if she'd go to a junk yard...
But DH isn't attached to his car at all. It's a lease, maybe that's why? He can't wait until the lease is up next November!
We had our Jeep for 9 years and actually drove 2 hours away to trade it so I would not see it around town I don't think I could take it.:(

I remember crying when I was 5 when my parents sold their truck. I've been that way ever since.
I was that way with my first car. It was a green two door 72 Dodge Dart with a slant six engine. It finally bit the dust when the engine block cracked. I was so upset. I remember coming home from work and seeing it in the driveway with the hood up and DH with his head in there looking at the engine.
When we traded my Escort in for my van my dd cried!!!! We went to the dealer to "just look" and decided and bought it that day. She was soooo upset - "We had so many good memories in that car." "That was the car mom and I picked out together." I'm thinking - holy hormones!!!! ROFL - now I guess I shouldn't have. DD and I did pick out the Escort together and it got us through some rough times - it was after my divorce and I needed a more reliable car. It took us to Canada (our first vacation I could afford since the divorce) and we had a good time camping with it, etc. Now I'm afraid to get another car (although I'm dying to) because I know how she'll be!!!! But she really wants a car with a CD player so maybe that will satisfy her!!! :D
I had a 1977 Chevy Caprice station wagon that I had for 17 years. The engine was great but the floor boards rusted away and we finally had to get rid of it. I still miss that car, it was so reliable :(
LOL Chris! I understand your daughter's point of view very well. :teeth: My current car has a lot of memories with it, too. It was my first *car* -- my first vehicle was a toyota pickup, but that sat in the driveway long enough that it wasn't *as* hard to get rid of it. Someone wanted it badly enough they noticed we weren't driving it, so knocked on the door and offered us cash for it. Since we'd been debating what to do with that pickup for a year, anyway, we took the cash.

But this one... it got me to and from college for the last year or so, to and from work for several years, and (biggest to me) it was the car we used to pick up Blaze and Sage. I have some really cute pictures of Blaze curled up in the back window of this car on their way home to live with us. I'm going to miss it. :(
I didn't miss my cars, but I did miss my h's van when we got rid of it. It had memories. My cars just got me from a to b. By the time I got new ones, they were falling apart around me. I have a feeling the one I've got now will bother me to get rid of. I like it. :)
My S-10 has lots of memories..It will be 9 this year..the only way I could get rid of it would be to get another one...a new one of course...
I'm sentimental about many things, but I drive my cars till the wheels fall off so I'm relieved to see them go.
I had a 1985 silver Trans Am, 5-speed standard, that I drove for 14 years. I just gave it up in 1999. I decided to get a "family car" (Camry). I still kind of miss my "cool" car.

OMG!!!!!! I thought I was the only person who was like this about cars!!!!! I had a 1985 red Toyota Corolla SR5, which I bought new. It was my first car. I had it for 14 years. It was the greatest car ever and extremely reliable. It hardly ever gave me any trouble. It was never in a garage, and for the 14 years I owned it, no matter how cold it got up here in Connecticut, I could walk out to that car, turn the key, and it started. I loved that car. It finally started to rust away, and DH and I started to be afraid that one day I would hit the brakes and the frame would stop but the body would keep going:eek: ! I donated it to the Special Olympics, because we have friends who have a son with Down Syndrome and it made me feel better that maybe someday if Patrick participated in the SO, then my car would have helped him. I bawled like a baby the day the flatbed came to take it away. My neighbors thought I was nuts.

I now drive a 1998 Ford Explorer. It's a good car,good in the snow, has been very dependable etc, but I don't have a love affair with it like I had with my baby.
I cried the day I traded my honda civic in for my mini van
we really needed the space of the mini van
but heck I really liked the car and I had it for 4-5 yrs


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