"Fall into Winter" Journaling Challenge


<font color=black>BL6 Black Team Co-captain<br> <f
Jan 29, 2004
Thanks, DisDee, for reminding me that this did help us last spring. So, here we go again!

I'll be FAITHFULLY journaling everything that goes into my mouth into my WISH journal. I've really fallen off the wagon & between this & BL3 hopefullyI can get back on track.

So, Tomorrow is the first day of fall. Get ready if you care to join me!!

This will run from 9/23 - 12/22. Fall into Winter (some of the toughest months for me foodwise)....Get it????? Dee's idea!!
Hi Julie,
I just jumped in and joined you with a journal.
Journaling really helps me, but it is so easy to forget to do, and once I forget I forget for weeks. I will pull out the journal. I even know where it is. I will start tomorrow. I will be faithful and honest with it. I also use it to track my 5 weight loss goals each day 1 - 64 oz water 2 - 5 fruits and vegetables 3 - proper WOE 4 - exercise 30 minutes a day 6 days a week 5 - do not eat after 8 pm. I love seeing 5 check marks at the end of a successful day.
Journaling really does help!

I just typed in yesterday's. I actually write it on one of those 7 day school type planners each day & sometimes don't get it on here.

Have a Wonderful week! Keep writing what you're biting!
Thanks for starting this challenge, Julie! :hug: I am going to journal my food religiously on sparkpeople and transfer the information to my WISH journal as consistently as possible. I started journaling very faithfully last Monday and have 7 days under my belt. I am hoping your challenge will help me get a streak going and keep it up as we fall into winter! :thumbsup2
Headed to get day 2 finished up!

Hope everyone is keeping track!!
Thanks Julie! I'm so glad you started the challenge. This is day 1 for me on the journaling challenge, and I've been doing WW for about a month. I'm down 8 lbs., and also have been going to Curves. I won't list my foods here, because I use the WW site, but I will write about my challenges and triumphs.I'll also be here to support anyone who can use it, and hopefully you'll do the same.

I was in the Hallmark store last night, and bought a candle that said "Wish Daily". How appropriate for this challenge.

Stop by my journal anytime, and I'll visit your's too. Let's do this together!!!!
As predicted this week is insane. Off to update my journal now. then run, run, run....

Hope everyone is still keepin' on!


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