February Challenge!

Went to my LSS today and I got 15 pages done which brings me up to 28 for the month.
Well, at my lovely crop I got 4 pages done. Woohoo.... so, that brings my total to 6 pages this month. Because I doubt I'll get much done between today and Sunday...

6 more pages tonight! I'm on a scrappin roll...I am now at 54!

I'm not sure if I will get anything done tomorrow...we plan on seeing the Passion of the Christ....I might be a bit distracted afterwards..:(
as much as I would love to crop some today I am done for the month! 49 pages and holding!:teeth: I am very pleased! Got way more done this month than I have in a long long time!
Alice...Please post or PM what you think of the Passion! I am on the fence about whether I can see it or not...Not good on the violence in general and to actually see an execution....just not sure! But part of me wants to see it big time!
I thought I would check in and post an update. I worked on my wedding album yesterday and completed 8 more pages. So far today I have finished 4. That brings my total to 62! I'm very close to having my wedding album completed! I wanted to have it finished by our anniversary in May, but looks like I will have it finished well before that!

I doubt I'll get any more done tonight... but did complete 32 page for the month of February!
Spinning~ I ended up not going to the movie as DH got called out with work....so far I haven't got anything done scrap wise either! I organized my paper though!
Here is my final tally for February.... I originally posted that I had 4 pages done. I have finished 26 since then, so I am at 29 for the month. Not exactly a winning number, but I am pleased. I'll be looking forward to hearing about the March challenge!.......P
Alice don't ya love organizing paper? I do it about every 4 months! I make huge piles all over the living room floor! Ok so I am hiking the thread..
I got two more pages done last night, done at 11:30! I am done for the month at 56! Yee-Haw!

Congrats to Tony----who so far I think is the winner!

Spinning~~ I had a great time organizing my paper----I had this organizer I got for free from CM that I used to organize all of my order forms, brochures, etc.... that all got chucked in the recycle bin and it is perfect for organizing my paper! It doesn't fit 12x12 though, so I put that in a box that CM made as a gift box for the 12x12 albums.

I also went through a ton of my old stuff, stuff that I had before I bought thousands of dollars of CM :rolleyes: and grouped it and put it up on ebay! I already sold my ANCIENT Fiskars scissors for $13! It was a lot of 7, so I didn't get what I paid for it, but considering you can buy practically the same thing for $1 each at Michael's, I was happy.

Back to the original thread.................. :p
It looks like you are the the winner this month.

Please PM me your mailing information, and I will get a package off to you.

Have fun hosting next months challenge. I know that after cropping that many pages, you are probably ready for a break :)

258 pages in 2004
Thanks pattievers! I sent you a PM with my contact information.:Pinkbounc

I'll get the March Challenge posted tonight!


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