Fibroids, Hysterectomy-maybe?, and Loss


Jan 30, 2013
So I have never started a thread on here before but I needed somewhere to share my thoughts.

A little about me the past year I have been dealing with anger, depression, and a pretty awful fibroid. For those who don't know a fibroid is a tumor on the uterus or in the walls of the uterus. Mine is large and in a very bad place. This fibroid has caused me so much pain and just plain bad times. After months of extreme pain and bleeding I wound up in the hospital in May. Before May I had been bleeding heavily daily from Jan- Apr. Then it stopped and started back in May, when I found myself in the hospital. I fainted four times and when I got to the hospital they had to give me 4 units of blood before I could go home. So they put me on Lupron which basically turns my ovaries off.

So in June I was supposed to have a surgery- to either remove the fibroid or to make it smaller. Well, I get put to sleep and I will admit that was a great experience to only be told that they weren't able to do the surgery. There were too many blood vessels attached to the fibroid and it was just too big. Then they say my only option is a hysterectomy. This made me scared and very sad. I am only 33 years old. Nobody wants to hear that at 33. The thing that makes it worse is that I have been married for 8 years but, we originally didn't want kids and had just decided in the last two years to have one. But, then my period started acting crazy so the plan was to get it straight and then try. At this point the chances of us having a baby are nil at best, and it basically my only option is having a hysterectomy. Which scares me so much. When I first heard this it felt like any child that me and husband were going to have had died. I don't know what to think about this surgery and I am just coping at this point.

So today DH's cousin's 8 year old son died. I barely know this woman but, my heart completely broke for her. I mean it hurt so bad to be told you won't have children and you have to get your uterus removed at an age when most women are not even thinking about menopause. I cannot imagine how much it must hurt to have a child and then lose them.

I have to say that DH has been so supportive through all,of this. I mean he has truly been awesome. He took me to Disney in Jan and is taking me back in Oct. As I am Disney obsessed and he is in serious Disney appreciation. We are planning to have the surgery the week after we get back from the trip. This news today affected the both of us.

Thanks for listening, I just needed to get this off my chest.
Hi, you might want to check the support group great resources, lots of us who have been there. I know it's heartbreaking and terrifying, and you can use all the support you can get. Don't overdo it at the parks after surgery, especially in the heat, wheelchair is a must, and trust me even the easy rides will be tough. A rolled up towel between tummy and seatbelt helps! Lots of hugs and prayers
Thank you for your response. I just found their website the other day.

The plan is to go to Disney first then do the surgery.
I have a history of fibroids and have had numerous D&Cs. My first doctor wanted me to do ablation surgery, but that isn't for me (personal reasons). I currently have a fibroid that makes me look 4 months pregnant. I would bleed over half the month and then my cramps were worse than delivering a baby. Anyway, I came across people that ate seaweed to help with the fibroids and pain. So far, I have been eating seaweed for 3 months and my bleeding is back to normal and my pain is 90% better. Maybe you can eat a little bit of seaweed while you wait for your surgery.

Good luck and I hope you feel better soon.
Nikia, I am hurting reading this.. I was away for a a few days, my apologies for being late..

I have had many a fibroid myself. A few surgeries for removal.. I can't imagine what you feel.. Have you had a second and third opinion, assuming you have before such a radical decision? If not are you opposed to other ways of having a child, even your own?

Gentle, but loving hugs:hug:
So I have never started a thread on here before but I needed somewhere to share my thoughts.

A little about me the past year I have been dealing with anger, depression, and a pretty awful fibroid. For those who don't know a fibroid is a tumor on the uterus or in the walls of the uterus. Mine is large and in a very bad place. This fibroid has caused me so much pain and just plain bad times. After months of extreme pain and bleeding I wound up in the hospital in May. Before May I had been bleeding heavily daily from Jan- Apr. Then it stopped and started back in May, when I found myself in the hospital. I fainted four times and when I got to the hospital they had to give me 4 units of blood before I could go home. So they put me on Lupron which basically turns my ovaries off.

So in June I was supposed to have a surgery- to either remove the fibroid or to make it smaller. Well, I get put to sleep and I will admit that was a great experience to only be told that they weren't able to do the surgery. There were too many blood vessels attached to the fibroid and it was just too big. Then they say my only option is a hysterectomy. This made me scared and very sad. I am only 33 years old. Nobody wants to hear that at 33. The thing that makes it worse is that I have been married for 8 years but, we originally didn't want kids and had just decided in the last two years to have one. But, then my period started acting crazy so the plan was to get it straight and then try. At this point the chances of us having a baby are nil at best, and it basically my only option is having a hysterectomy. Which scares me so much. When I first heard this it felt like any child that me and husband were going to have had died. I don't know what to think about this surgery and I am just coping at this point.

So today DH's cousin's 8 year old son died. I barely know this woman but, my heart completely broke for her. I mean it hurt so bad to be told you won't have children and you have to get your uterus removed at an age when most women are not even thinking about menopause. I cannot imagine how much it must hurt to have a child and then lose them.

I have to say that DH has been so supportive through all,of this. I mean he has truly been awesome. He took me to Disney in Jan and is taking me back in Oct. As I am Disney obsessed and he is in serious Disney appreciation. We are planning to have the surgery the week after we get back from the trip. This news today affected the both of us.

Thanks for listening, I just needed to get this off my chest.

I HOPE the best for you if you have the hyst! I too had an ENORMOUS fibroid
10 years ago and "put it off" until I had no choice to have the hyst! My situation was very different because I already had my 2 sons. VERY TRAGIC AND SAD news for your DH's cousin. My heart broke reading this post...:sad:
Before I had the hyst, I did tons of research on hystersisters and it REALLY HELPED to be as informed as possible. My DH was INCREDIBLY helpful after the surgery as was my family! Feel BLESSED for that and I HOPE that you will have the support post op too!:grouphug::flower3:

HOPE that you have the BEST DISNEY TRIP EVER!:dance3::cheer2:
BEST OF LUCK!:thumbsup2:)
Sending prayers your way for you and your husband.

I'm also with the person who said to get a second opinion. If you live close to Ohio, send me a personal message and I can refer you to a fantastic physician/surgeon in Central Ohio. He's the best in Central Ohio.

Originally I had to have the ablation outpatient surgery to stop the hemorrhaging. My blood count was down to a dangerous 7 when normal is 12 and I was anemic and dizzy. A year and 1/2 later I had to have the TAH (total abdominal hysterectomy) surgery since the remaining fibroid had grown so large I appeared 6-7 months pregnant, very heavy and draining my energy. HysterSisters really helped me as well.

One bit of advice: consider going to Disney after your surgery. Travelling, especially if your blood is low, is not safe. Make certain your blood count is checked before you go if you decide to do Disney before surgery. Your doctor may caution you not to travel if the blood count is low.

Hubby and I went about 30-45 days after the TAH surgery and it was the best thing we could have ever done. Really lifted our spirits (had to take it easy though and watch the rough rides) but it was our best Disney trip.

Also, I had my doctor write a doctor's letter. I presented at Guest Relations, and Disney provided a guest assistance card to make things easier. We only needed to use it on a few rides that had over 60-minute wait times; didn't need to use the card for anything 30 minutes or under--just waited in regular line.

Sending best wishes and praying for your strength.


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