Forgotten Item at Disney Store


<font color=FF6600>All I get to play is "crashing
Feb 5, 2000
I'm so upset....I went to the Disney Store last week (one week exactly today) & bought quite a few items since they had great sales. I bought for birthdays for some of the "princesses" in our lives & for next Christmas already! Anyway, I had this huge bag & when I got home, just shoved it in the spare bedroom in our house. In the meantime, one kid got an ear infection, my other child came down with strep throat & I'm caregiver to my cancer stricken Mom. Needless to say, I've been very busy!

Today I finally had time to sort out all the merchandise which was left in the bag, up in the spare bedroom. Guess what? I'm missing (the cutest) Crown Cosmetic Case which I know my Godchild would flip over. It's on the receipt, so I was billed for it but I didn't receive it. Perhaps it fell out of the bag when the CM was loading it up (but she was filling it on the floor behind the counter so I didn't see if anything fell out or not).

Anyway, what's the chances of me calling them a week later with my discovery & hopefully getting another Crown Cosmetic Case? I feel so stupid about this but I honestly haven't had 2 seconds to myself, let alone filtering through a shopping bag with about 20 items in it (which I wouldn't need till April at the earliest!)

What do you think? (I'm also very embarrassed about this!)

Thanks! Mishetta
I would call and explain the situation and more than likely if they did drop it it's probably sitting there waiting for someone to come back and get it. Good Luck!!
I would try and call. You never know, it could be there.
Hope you get it resolved. :)
I am sure they will do good for you, Mishetta. And hoping things quiet down a bt at home, and my very best wishes for you mom.
I'd call, I imagine they have it sitting behind the counter waiting for your call, hope so anyway!!!:D
Yeah, what everyone else said. Call and then let us know. :teeth:
I would call also. I once went to pick up my pre-ordered DVD and, at the same time, pre-ordered another one that was coming out. When I got home I had the lithos for the new one I had just ordered, but no DVD for the one that was in. I called them and they did not question me at all. They held one in my name and DH picked it up no problem.
Absolutely -- give them a call. I used to work at the Disney Store and stuff like that happened all the time.

The only problem I can see that might possibly happen would be that since it's been a week, they may have thought that you weren't coming back and may have put it back out. If it was on sale, it may not be there any more...

Disney Store has such great sales -- lots of people do just what you did and stock up. If someone took the last one of those cases and asked the cast member if they had any more, they just MIGHT have given them yours. :( But I hope not!
I would also call. I was in Yankee Candle a couple of weeks ago and when I got home, they forgot to put an item in my bag that I had paid for. I called and they put it in their "back" room hoping the person would call for it.

Can't hurt to call - maybe you'll be lucky!
Hi Rose!! John-Cole is home sick too....yuck! Definatly call them!! I know I've done this oh about a zillion times at Wal-Mart with little stuff like make-up and if they don't have it put up they have always let me go get it as long as I have my receipt!!
I would call them, the worst they could say is you're out of luck. It's worth a phone call. Let us know what happens.

Thanks so much everyone for your support. I guess I need that extra push since I'm so embarrassed :eek: that a whole week passed before I noticed but, as I said, I've been busy!

I will give them a call right now & let you know what they say! I must admit, I feel a little nervous about the phone call even! I should just let it go but it was such a cute little bag that my Godchild would adore, not to mention that I paid for that item which I don't have!

Hi Dizneenut!! Nice to hear from you again!! How are your boys doing? How's your sanity?? :D

Hi Beth! So nice to hear from you again too! Hope John-Cole feels better soon. Ear? Throat? Nicholas had a whopper of an ear infection & the baby had strep! No one in our house has EVER had strep! I don't take him anywhere except to all my mom's doctor's appts & to the Cancer Center when my mom needs her infusions! I think that's where he picked that up! Then I have to keep everyone away from Mom & we all have to wear masks around the house to keep her healthy! What a job with kids! :rolleyes:

Okay...thanks again everyone..I'll be back in a few & let you know what my Disney Store says!

They have always been good about it when old forgetful here has left things behind,,I am sure they will say COME ON IN and pick it up! Hope so!! Let us know

Okay, I called & spoke to a CM & explained my stupidity & even though she was surprised to hear that I didn't discover my loss until one full week later, she looked in the "box" & she said there was nothing in there. She asked if perhaps it could have fallen out in the car but I had already swept the entire van thinking the same thing but no luck. Then she asked me if I had paid for the item. I said "absolutely!" So then she offered to replace my loss. She told me to come in & they'd give me another one.

Now, I had to throw another wrench into the situation....I told her that my kids are still sick & I can't leave my mom alone until I have help to stay with her too so she said she would put another Cosmetic Crown in the box with my name on it. Whew! To think how worked up I was over this silly little thing!

I appreciate all your suggestions & support.

Now if you can only help me get through this horrible time facing cancer with my dear Mother! :(

Hugs and prayers for your Mom.

I get worked up over stuff like that too. I did the same thing at Old Navy and they very nicely replaced the shirt and then I found the shirt, behind a bench in our mud room. So then I had to return the shirt and say sorry - take this back but don't credit my Visa so I'm not shoplifting!!
You and your mom will be in my prayers..I do not know what type of cancer or what stage,,but as someone that has just gone through this with my DH,,,I can tell you THIS is the place you want to be for support....someone always has time to lend an ear..Please feel free to e-mail me ANYTIME you need to just talk...God Bless



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