GI Issues


DIS Veteran
Jul 13, 2012
I am just looking for anyone with similar health issues. I have been having major GI issues for the past 8 years or so.
It started with having E Coli and Salmonella after a trip to Mexico. Ever since then my insides have been a mess.
I was diagnosed with IBS a few years ago but I am not satisfied with that as I feel its sort of a "catch-all" and offers little help.

In the past I was tested for allergies, celiac, had a CT Scan. Everything normal.

I recently found a new GI doctor that Im very hopeful can help me out. I recently had a colonoscopy where they removed one polyp and biopsied several inflamed areas but the results all came back normal. Which is good news but I am still left search for an answer.

The worst symptom is the stomach pain/spasms/cramps. I feel like someone is just squishing up my insides when I am having a flare up. The past flare up lasted nearly a month and was more worst one in years.

I understand GI issues can be tough to figure out and to treat. Its just so frustrating to be so sick and not have a reason why.
Anyone have similar experiences?
Kind of.

Back in 1998, I contracted giardia. It took doctors 2.5 months to figure out what I had and to stop telling me I had "anxiety." Even when it was cured and I was relatively normal. I was left with IBS. It really stinks. I, too, am "normal."

What it basically boils down to is that these "bugs" can change your gut motility and it can be forever. What I have found that helps is that when I eat right, it is much less. Whenever I go back to eating what I want, I have more flare ups. My biggest offenders seem to be things like ice cream and excess sugar. Popcorn is also a killer for me if I ate more than a handful.
I am having a terrible time with digestion issues lately.

Ending up going to the ER about a month or so ago.. For me it takes A LOT.. I was horrified when the XRay revealed I was impacted so badly they couldn't see my organs :blush:.. I knew I had issues, but wasn't sure to what degree. I was prescribed a liquid laxative, and well, that helped quickly.. I am not on benifiber twice daily, but If I miss a dose (easy to do), I don't go, and my stomach is huge and bloated, and the cramps :(..

I am seeing my GP on Thursday.. I assume he will refer me to a GAstro? Maybe I need to rule out allergies like Gluten and the like? I don't know anymore.. It is odd, I never had anything like this.. I quiet smoking May 31, and ever since my stomach is like this.
GI stuff is very frustrating! Theres just so much going on down there.

That's interesting to hear about how Giardia has had long term effects on you.
My new GI told me that women in their 20's who have an infection like EColi or Salmonella will most likely have GI issues for the rest of their lives. I was in my 20's when I had them. No doctor had ever told me that before so I thought it was interesting.
And I hear ya on being annoyed when you get told it's "anxiety." Anxiety does effect it on occasion but it's more than. Good luck to you both!!


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