Grey's weight loss


Earning My Ears
Jan 5, 2009
Hello. Just trying to lose weight like all of you honorable members. I would like to lose 50 pounds maximum. Any more, and I'd tip under 100 pounds. My goal is to lose the weight before March of 2010--the month my family will be going to Disneyland for the SAFEWAY event. As far as I know, we take a bus and get to the park later that night. It will be open to only SAFEWAY employees and their families.
I must say, I'm excited, but worried that I can't do this. I've made countless attempts to lose this weight since Junior High School. Needless to say, those efforts have all been failures. Hopefully, this one will turn out much better.
Grey- you can and will do this! It is a daunting task, but the key is to break it up into smaller goals. Most people suggest starting out with losing 10% of your current weight. I find that smaller goals along the way helps me to stay motivated.

What is your plan for losing weight? Are you using a specific program, calorie counting, etc? We're here to cheer you on! :cheer2:


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