grocery stop??


DIS Veteran
Mar 30, 2002
Just wondering how many people use the grocery stop that is included with many of the town car services on the way to your resort? We have used a town car service the past two trips but never stop (we are always too excited and want to get right to our resort)
Just curious.
I think it depends on what your room set up is like and what your meal plan is like. We used the stop to buy milk and juice and other breakfast and snack foods. It saves alot of $$. But if you don't need food in your room, then it is just a waster of time.
We've used it last two trips with Tiffany & yourride. Worked great both times at Publix. Took us about 20 minutes. Driver waited. Store employees were very friendly-recognized us as Disneyites, asked where we were from, etc. We always stock up on breakfast foods & hotel snacks. We will continue to do the grocery stop next trip.
Definitely! I buy sodas, snacks, and a little breakfast stuff. Not only do we save a lot of money but it also saves us time and makes it easier to do ee. It really didn't seem to delay our check in very much. In fact one trip, we met a family on the flight who was staying at the same resort. We did a TC with a grocery stop and were ahead of them on check it. I think they were using Mears.
We also take advantage of the grocery stop with Tiffany. It works out great for us because we stay for two weeks at a time and we don't have a car. We get soda's and bottled water so we don't have to pay those outrageous prices at the parks. I also pick up diapers because they are so bulky and take up precious room in my suitcase;) I'll also pick up some snacks for my DD who has a dairy allergy. She loves those Disney Princess gummy snacks for a treat and I love them because there's no chocolate! We usually have a list ready and everyone helps pick up different things so we don't spend that much time there. We're in and out and on our way within a half hour.:D
Thanks for reminding me about diapers, wdwnut61!!! We plan to stop at the grocery store for milk and juice for the kids (hopefully the 1-yr old will be weaned from a bottle before our trip in Dec., but who knows.) I completely forgot about diapers! I probably would have packed them in a suicase, forgetting I could pick them up during our grocery stop!! Thanks!

I pick up breakfast items, juice boxes, bread and PB along with snacks. Mostly stuff that dosen't have to be refrigerated - even parmalat milk - my dd likes it and its handy in the small boxes. During the vacation I just chill down a few items at a time in a styrafoam cooler - bought at the grocery stop. Its especially helpful if you have brand preferances - my girls only like cheerios and they arn't sold at the wdw stores.

I have never had any problems storing the grocery bags with the luggage if the room isn't ready btw.


I still remember the first time we did the grocery stop. I wasn't sure if it was going to be a little store with very few items or a regular grocery store. We were pleasantly surprised and I was kicking myself for packing 2 weeks worth of diapers as I passed our brand...LOL
We did the grocery stop for the first time last week. We bought a styrofoam cooler, milk, juice, and bread. (In hindsight, we should have bought cokes and bottled water, too.) We brought our own peanut butter from home and then used those individual containers of jelly at the hotel fastfood/snack shop in order to make lots of PBJ sandwiches for my DD.

One thing I didn't realize is that Tiffany Towncar has now started charging $10 extra for the grocery stop. They have also increased their round trip price to about $90, and one-way is $50.
Wow, Tiffany HAS gone up. I thought I read that their grocery stops were free?? We have made arrangements with Yourride in December. They seem very nice and as far as I know the grocery stop is still complimentary.
this will be our first trip so sorry for this stupid question- but what do you do with the groceries -- like milk- when you arrive at hotel? our plane will be in at 10:30am and i have wondered about this. thanks!! jama


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