Halloween Treat Boxes


DIS Veteran
Jul 27, 2004
Not sure if this is where I post this but I was so proud of my treat boxes I just had to share them with everyone I know LOL

I used my cricut and the tags, bags, boxes and More cart. If you want details just let me know I'll glad you let you know any sizes I used.

I made this candy corn treat box special for my son

Zach loved it so much that he wanted me to make them for his class. Since I didn't have a lot of orange I had to downgrade my project LOL
I made 24 for these-21 for the kids in my sons class and 3 for teachers.

I made these witch treat boxes for 3 of the moms from school (no comment on them being witches or not :rolleyes1 . I can't draw so don't laugh at the faces please ;)
Thank you. I'm glad they turned out so cute. Now I can't wait to work on something for Christmas
Thank you Nancy

here's how i made the Witch using my Cricut and the Tags, Bags, Boxes & More cart.

I cut the green "face" cake box at 7 3/4" (with holes)
Face: Fold and glue the top and side of the "face" box, ink the sides of the "face" box for shadow. I waited to last to do the face.

I cut the black "hat" cake box at 8" (with holes)
Hat: cut 2 inches off the bottom of the "hat" cake box then another 1/2" or so. I kept cutting and measuring against the "face" cake box till I liked the size of the hat so I'm guessing it was no more than 3" cut from the "hat" cake box.

I cut the yellow strip at 1/4"
Strip: I added glue to 1 side of the "hat", I lined the bottom edge of the "hat" with the bottom edge of the strip, cut the yellow strip to fit. I did this for all 4 sides. As you can see by the 3rd witches hat I had it perfect LOL

Brim: The hardest part was the brim of the hat. I'm sure someone somewhere has an easier suggestion but this is what I did.

I measured the bottom of my hat. it was 2" x 2 1/2" (this measurement depends on how much you cut off the bottom and can be different)
Then I cut a black piece of paper for the "brim" to 2 1/2" x 3" (an 1/2 inch bigger than the "hat" size)
I put the "hat" box in the middle of the 2 1/2" x 3" "brim" (texture part up),
used my score tool and traced around the bottom edge of the "hat" box.
when I lifted the "hat" box I can see a rectangle in the middle of my "brim"
From here I cut an X into the scored box part (top right corner to bottom left corner and repeat the other way)
I folded the flaps of the X UP (Texture side to Texture side)
I glued the flaps to the inside of the hat.

put hat over "face" box
now for the face

I used 2 different size circle punchies for the eyes and the "wart". I also used a crooked wave looking punch for the nose. I just clipped off some of the loop on 1 side to make it more like a crooked nose.

there you have it. I hope I helped, I'm very bad at directions so I hope I didn't confuse you
Tracy, those are just darling!! Looking forward to seeing the ones you do for Thanksgiving and Christmas ;)
Tracy, those are just darling!! Looking forward to seeing the ones you do for Thanksgiving and Christmas ;)

Hey HEy Hey I said CHRISTMAS ones nothing about Thanksgiving ones LOL

Thanks Karen..These were actually very easy to make.
LOL that's right. I did "my next mission is Thanksgiving". See what happens when you approach 35 (loss of memory LOL)
Thank you! I have these printed out for next season!!

Now, what are you doing for Thanksgiving.. I need ideas... :)
Thank you! I have these printed out for next season!!

Now, what are you doing for Thanksgiving.. I need ideas... :)

You are so welcome. I have NO clue about Thanksgiving. I do however have an idea on Christmas ones but not saying just yet. I have to take a "test run" first LOL

My son wants me to make Turkey legs for Thanksgiving but I don't think I can do those LOL


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