Hanging up my running shoes-Update on ZellyB

I think I can make a strong case for several options... Ultimately you have to go with comfort though!

I think #3 fits perfectly with the name of the race! (But could wearing a bib could cover a good portion of it up?) I love it with the shorts, but also think it'd look great with the royal blue skirt!

I still keep coming back to #4... those shorts are just so fun!
Not a lot of consensus here, guys! :rotfl:

I thought there were 3 options... kept scrolling “oh a 4th option!”.... repeat to SEVEN awesome options! Serious running wardrobe envy!
I need to study more before I cast my official vote. Too many great choices!

It's pretty embarrassing actually. In my defense, I was actually going to thin the herd, but when I sort of went through everything, I'd worn pretty much everything in my closet at least once in the past year. I like options. :D I have been better about not buying more lately though.

Although now I've been eyeing tri suits. HA!

I think the big question is shorts vs. skirt.
If you're going shorts, I like the first one - the pink top and hummingbird shorts.
For skirt, I like either of the two tops with the blue skirts.
... But really, they're all good options

I'm leaning more toward shorts just for less fabric. Chris is running with his hydration backpack, so he will be playing pack mule so I don't need much cargo space.

my top two are the cinco de mayo outfit & the sunflower top with blue skirt!

Both good choices - and thus my struggle.

The choices just kept coming! wow...

I suppose we know what the latest weather forecast is looking like, no chance of sleeves for this one! I like the aquarium look btw...

I clearly have a clothing problem. And, yeah, the weather forecast just keeps getting worse. Now they are predicting 80 degrees for the high and strong winds. The race director just sent out a cautionary email about staying hydrated and taking precautions. Sigh.

Well my personal preferences are the first photo and the sunflowers with blue bottoms.
However since it is Bass Pro-maybe the fishes??

And that was the one I was leaning toward just because of the theme and shorts obviously.

I'm a fan of option 4!

My favorite shorts and the ones I wore for my Mo' Cowbell PR.

I'd vote for lightest in color and material for maximization of feeling comfortable on the course. So light blue top with white skirt?

Good strategy there. I'm definitely getting more worried about the heat. My kryptonite!!

Okay, so first of all - totally feel you on "having too many running clothes." :sad2: I've been trying to cut back significantly, good thing InB somewhat holds its value!

Calavera shorts have the good vibes from your Half PR (I think you wore those for that race, right?) so maybe repeat those to keep the good mojo flowing? Otherwise I like Fish Tank/Aloha (glad you posted that combo because I have trouble matching Fish Tank to stuff) if you want shorts or Sunflower/blue skirt if you want a skirt.

Yes, do I go the superstitious route and repeat the Calavera or go theme with fish tank (and I really love that top). When I was working through options, I was just throwing stuff together to see how they looked and though Aloha actually worked pretty well.

I think I can make a strong case for several options... Ultimately you have to go with comfort though!

I think #3 fits perfectly with the name of the race! (But could wearing a bib could cover a good portion of it up?) I love it with the shorts, but also think it'd look great with the royal blue skirt!

I still keep coming back to #4... those shorts are just so fun!

Calvera shorts are the BEST!!! Good point about the bib covering up my fishes. I may need to play around with bib placement if I go with that one.
Obsessive weather checking continues

So, yeah, weather seems to be staying about the same. Slight differences between some weather apps/local weather forecast, but roughly all the same...

Hotter than I want it to be.


And just to make things more fun - pretty windy as well.


But, I can't do anything about those things, so just have to roll with it and hope for the best.

Current weather predications have us at at 65 degrees at race start (T+D = 129) and SSW wind at 11 MPH. Saving grace is that it should be at least partly cloudy.
Finish time weather likely to be around 76 degrees (T+D = 140). UGH!!!

The predictions are pretty stable now, so this is probably pretty accurate at this point. But, regardless, I shall do my best!!

We are working out our plans for hydration (my son is going to meet us along the route with some quick bottle changes hopefully) and we have our plan for fuel as well. Expo and bib pick up tomorrow and then just try to relax, rest and hydrate!!


Oh wait, I'll save that type of hydration for after the race. :D
Sounds like you have a solid plan! Control what you can and prepare for the rest! I know you'll do great!!

(Just out of curiosity, what do you use for fuel?)

We fluctuate on that some, but I usually favor sport beans. In the past I've used Cliff Bars as well, so this year, we will carry both some cliff bars and sport beans.

Speaking of fuel, they are providing, at mile 14, chocolate-covered espresso beans. Now, I like a good espresso bean as much as the next person, but not sure a big bolus of coffee at mile 14 is a good idea. Coffee sometimes causes me some other types of problems. :eek:
We fluctuate on that some, but I usually favor sport beans. In the past I've used Cliff Bars as well, so this year, we will carry both some cliff bars and sport beans.

Speaking of fuel, they are providing, at mile 14, chocolate-covered espresso beans. Now, I like a good espresso bean as much as the next person, but not sure a big bolus of coffee at mile 14 is a good idea. Coffee sometimes causes me some other types of problems. :eek:

Thanks! I need to get a lot better at fueling- I currently do nothing during races. My stomach always hurts after drinking water during a race, so Im scared to fuel during a race, despite practicing at home. I think something small like sports beans might be good for me.
A bit late with the outfit perusal, but love the sunflower tank. Know you will have a great race despite the heat!!
Well checking the weather this AM start time temps 67 degrees and finish time temps 77 degrees and windy
Good luck on your race!!!! I'll make a wish on the evening star that you get okay weather.

You got this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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