Happy father's day...


Jan 26, 2001
Stego here again...flying out to Seattle and being the "annoying tourist" to those in the great Pacific Northwest. That's right, no WDW or DL this year. Last time I shared about my mountain bike racing and fitness; had a few responses; thanks for taking the time to read and respond. My journey for weight loss is over; but it seems that my journey to keep the weight off is just as challenging. Two months ago while out on a run; perfect day...cool wind off the Colorado River...running at my favorite place, with my son next to me on his bike...4 miles in and it happened...my left knee hurt. Could have kept going and did the 10+ mile loop...but decided to smartly listen to my body and shut it down. Went to my doctor and he figured a strain; couldn't run; so I went to see a specialist; he knew right away what it was. I had worked myself up pretty good by then and had an anxiety attack; cold sweat; dizziness; almost passed out. I had thought the worst: I'll never run again... and while he was telling me what was wrong! The good news...I will recover! But I am out for 6 weeks...he told me what to do...ice the knee; specific stretching; wear a brace...and don't run for awhile. So I did just that...and stayed on the bike...even did some swimming. Even better news...I can run again, but haven't gotten past 5 miles. The texas heat has come in and I've slowed down a bit. I've got the mountain bike racing bug bad and done some research...everything tells me that I need more base miles on the road...and so started looking at road bikes. You all know what that leads up to...yes, that's right...my father's day gift... a new road bike! A beautiful specialized with a big bow on it. Rode it for the first time the other day and it is a whole different world from mountain biking. Had to build a new bike rack...instead of a motorcycle, sports car, or boat we have 7 bikes in our garage. Last year I did the bike to work day...did so well that I have started "commuting" each friday by bike. It does get hot and muggy early; but 10 miles each way is NOTHING...one bike, one day...got weighed yesterday and I'm right at 97 lbs. total loss. Everyone tells me that I need to shoot for the big 100...but look what I have done...look at what I can do...if it happens...it will happen. Going to get some r-n-r on vacation; time off from the bike and running. I will run Pre's trail in Eugene and cycle around Stanley park, but I am forcing myself to rest. I am hoping that the time off will recharge me; I have a race up in north Arkansas in Eureka springs next month; it's a regional event and I will see how I can do against those other 40 year old men. My wife went up to Lake Tahoe for her century ride. Got a call late in the afternoon and our son answered...he said she finished...that can't be right...got on the phone...and she was done...she had a bad accident and crashed about 20 miles in coming down a hill. A cyclist in front of her hit a pothole and her bike went right into Donna's path. She went down at 30mph. The helmet cracked, but it worked. She got cuts, scrapes, bruises, a black eye, and cracked ribs. In the ER she was ready to get on the bike and finish! She had called after she had her x-rays and knew that she was OK. That's OK, I worried 1000 miles away anyway...she came home in one piece; she's gotten back on the bike and is planning on trying again next year. She was really disappointed after all the fundraising and training; but the important thing is that she did do all that...and so OUR journey continues...over and out...Fred
Hi Fred,
Happy Father's Day! Sounds like a great gift. I'm so sorry to hear DW had such a bad accident on her century ride. But glad to hear she's alright.

I can relate to your fear of not running again. I am recovering from a herniated disc/sciatica. I spent several weeks in tears fearing I may never run again. It's not over yet, but my body is healing and I am running again.

I've learned maintaining is harder than weightloss. I reached goal last June and WW LT last August. But after a serious of back-to-back illness and injuries I find myself 12 lbs above goal. I'm not happy about it at all, but 12 is much better than 85 where I began.

Keep posting!



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