Harnesses/Leash for 7 year olds?

Sounds like the OP's older son is also on the spectrum. It was used to keep him safe, not as punishment.
I didn’t get the impression that the 9 year old was on the spectrum.
The original post described the 9 year old as generally well behaved and no problem.
Enough already! This has gone far beyond sharing experiences on using a harness or leash with the OP. No more picking apart her posts, diagnosing her children, or comments on parenting skills.

if you have helpful information to share with the OP specific to her current trip - please share. Otherwise, please move along and skip commenting.
Dear OP, best of luck to your family. I applaud you for trying many different methods to allow your kids to be out and about in the world. I've worked with special needs children for years. People who've never been in close contact with special kids have no idea the challenges a family faces each and every day. Disney is a great, big crazy place, keeping your children safe in such an extreme environment is paramount! Do what you have to do and just always remember to breathe and enjoy!
Do you have young kids? If so, they must be perfect. They must listen to every word you say at all times. Lucky you. They must not have any form of disability. Again, lucky you.

To insinuate that the OP is abusing her child because she puts a harness/leash on him is disgusting.

if you don’t have kids... well, everyone is the perfect parent until they have kids.

In either case, your ignorance is disturbing.

To the OP - you are on a form of social media where people and their opinions run amuck. Take them with a grain of salt. I don’t do social media, except this, because people can be absolutely terrible. I hope you know that all of us on here, unless you know them personally, shouldn’t matter. It’s your family. Your kids. Your rules. I would never let anyone make me feel bad for the way I choose to keep my kid safe. I know you asked for thoughts/opinions. You certainly got them. Why this is even a controversial subject in the first place is beyond me. Parents do what they need to do for THEIR kid. Period. If other people don’t like it, then they don’t have to do it to their own kid
only way I would have a problem with OP leashing her kids is if the leash causes me who walks with a cane to fall because child pulls to end of leash in crowd and trips me. hasn't happened to me but has to a friend who also uses cane. that is where I come from
only way I would have a problem with OP leashing her kids is if the leash causes me who walks with a cane to fall because child pulls to end of leash in crowd and trips me. hasn't happened to me but has to a friend who also uses cane. that is where I come from

I agree. Having a leash on the kid doesn’t give the parent an easy out. They would still have to be diligent in making sure they don’t trip anyone. This also goes for parents who don’t leash or use a stroller and let their child run. I’m fine with whatever parents choose to do, but for me, I try to be as considerate to others as possible. Whether I’m letting my kid run or I’m pushing a stroller...whatever the case may be. My mother does not. She thinks the world revolves around her and my son...that’s for a separate thread though.
But your concern, while extremely valid, isn’t even a thought for most of these people on here....they just need someone to chastise and berate because they don’t agree with how the OP parents her child. That’s fine. People can disagree, but some people are just downright nasty and complete idiots
Do what you think is best for your children to keep them safe , don’t worry about others opinion
If 3 out of 4 of the OP’s children need a harness or wrist rein, I’m thinking what the family really needs is an extra pair of hands. I know there are services in the Orlando area that provide in park sitters and such. Expensive - no doubt, but another option since the OP is angered by comments from strangers.

In the future, I’d recommend they travel with an adult family member or trusted friend if possible, who can be counted on to help out with the kids.


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