Have you been "Bitten" by the Concierge "Bug"? aka The LIZARD LOUNGE!

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Thanks for the advice about the ****"doctor" from H***. Now that I am with another surgeon, albeit at the same hospital, I am a little scared of "doing" anything against bad-dr (Dr S). The reason is that Dr S is the head of the joint replacement dept that my new surgeon (Dr. B) works under and I'm more than a little apprehensive that he could do something else to me, of a more permanent nature. Personally, I don't want Dr S near me - I don't want him in the OR, I don't want him or any of his students checking on me. But I don't know how to ban the department head from my case. The funny thing is, I got a phone call last night on my voice mail, from the chairman of the orthopedic dept who was inquiring about my visit with DrS. A friend of mine (who works for the hospital) said they are afraid that I will sue them. I don't want to sue anyone - I just want to get good medical treatment and stop being in so much pain. Oh yes, and I'd like to be treated with some civility and kindness. And God, if you're listening, I'd also like world peace and the body of Cindy Crawford.

edited for spelling
Originally posted by mmausse
And God, if you're listening, I'd also like world peace and the body of Cindy Crawford.

I do love it when people can find humor in the worst of circumstances - LOL! Mmause, I really hope they can remedy that situation. Like I posted before, I had a great experience and a recent horrific one with that particular hospital. I believe that hospital has been graced with SOME wonderful and extrodinary doctors and nurses, but I guess you'll get a bad one no matter where you go. Let us know if they end up at least reprimanding him....hmmm, little scare of the "sue" word is he? Maybe he should be kinder to his patients then he wouldn't have to worry so much about being sued. :wave2:
MMause, it's good that the chairman called you. This is a good position to be in.

You may consider telling him you had a bad experience with that doctor (even if he is head of his dept) and that you do not want to have to see him again, you don't want him in OR and you want that in your chart so he does not drop in.

They are lucky you stayed with their hospital and I would think they will want to abide by your wishes.

I know how frustrating the whole system can be. I'm still waiting for the call today to get these two surgeons together to get my surgery date.

Best wishes.
Originally posted by KerryCM

lovesdumbo I sent you a PM:

Kerry-I didn't get a PM?:confused:

Originally posted by minniesota

lovesdumbo I do have a PS at CRT the night of MVMCP - I think it's at 5. Did you enjoy your meal? How was the food?

I had a really great salad there but I thought my entree (steak maybe?) was a bit too salty. The atmosphere & service made up for the less than perfect food. I think my friends meal (don't remember what she had-probably fish) was good.

mmause-lots of P & PD to you! I just can't believe all you've been through allready and then to have to deal with that jerk and to have to worry about possibly having to deal with him again. Well you certainly are in my prayers and thoughts.

Originally posted by steveanddonna
Our finish date for shopping and wrapping is Thanksgiving, we decorate the day after, and I've been mixing and freezing dough since we returned from the Oct. trip. We inadvertently started a tradition of giving homemade cookies as a gift to our clients. Of course, that was when we only had 3 clients! Now I bake somewhere in the ballpark of 2400 Christmas cookies every year.

2400 cookies? YUM!!! I've always had a Thanksgiving goal myself but don't always make it. I used to have a Christmas party every year and would tell my guests I wanted them to have their shopping done before coming to the party so they could really enjoy the party. I haven't had a party since I had children. I used to make lots of cookies for the party but I honestly can't remember if I've made any since I had kids. I think I may have a year or 2 but 2 of the last 4 years I was 9 months pregnant and the other 2 I had a bearly 12 month old. I can't say that I have all my shopping done but I'm doing well and while I'm still not up for a party I absolutely plan on making cookies this year! I especially love making and decorating sugar cookies. Looking forward to my 4 day weekend and hope to start unpacking a few Christmas things. I was hoping to take the Christmas photo (no good photo of all 3 kids at Disney) but youngest fell and got a nasty scrape on her face this week. Maybe I can catch her good side.

P&PD to all others! So many in need here lately!
mmausse, I am so sorry to hear about your horrific experience with Dr. S! What a terrible doctor! I think that you should speak with the chair as well. I think it's perfectly acceptable of you to not want Dr. S dropping by during your procedure. :hug: for you.
SteveandDonna - Wow! 2,400 cookies! That's amazing. You are so smart to get all that done before you leave. Now if I can take my own advice! What are your dates at the Poly?
minniesota Don't laud my smartness yet - the best laid plans of mice and men and all that, you know! I say we'll have the shopping done by Thanksgiving every year, but in 11 years of marriage it hasn't happened yet! BTW, we're at the Poly Dec. 8-11 with our nephew; what are your dates?

mmaussethat is one of the most despicable things I've ever heard. My heart goes out to you.

OK - if I'm doing this correctly, this is a photo of my nieces and nephew on Halloween. Tyler is the one dressed as Buzz. Bailey is Dorothy; she's the niece who went with us to WDW last Jan. The twins are in the front and they are next in line for a WDW trip.
Hi all.


I would definately say something to someone higher up than the Dr. His behavior was uncalled for.

Lounge Lizards,

Has anyone gotten a FL Resident rate of AP rate for CR 14th floor concierge??? I was offered the FL Resident Rate for Dec. 12 and I just want to make sure I received the correct rate.

steveanddonna - Oh my, what cutie patuties! We will be at BWI CL Dec. 3-7 so will just miss you! It's our first time there - we're in the garden suites - so looking forward to a new experience!

mmausse - All I can say is bless you - and let me at that hockey stick.

BWI CL experts - Tell me about the lounge. Can you watch Illuminations from it and can you hear the music? What's not to miss at BWI?

Another question - what do you guys think about Cirque for the two of us in December? I have never had a desire to go but DH has mentioned the only show he really likes at WDW is Festival of the Lion King because of the trapeze artists, flame throwers. etc. Has anybody seen it?

My voice is slowly returning. Leaving some green tea with lemon and some warm toffee bars out for your enjoyment.
Originally posted by minniesota
BWI CL experts - Tell me about the lounge. Can you watch Illuminations from it and can you hear the music? What's not to miss at BWI?
Not at all an expert (although I plan to be ;) ) but you are in for a real treat! ::yes:: It is a beautiful resort and its proximity to World Showcase and MGM is amazing! A nice walk in December I'm sure :cool: We weren't in the lounge in the evenings but from what I was told - and read - you can see the uppermost effects of IllumiNations - not the whole thing! The offerings - and the CMs -in the lounge were wonderful!

Another question - what do you guys think about Cirque for the two of us in December? I have never had a desire to go but DH has mentioned the only show he really likes at WDW is Festival of the Lion King because of the trapeze artists, flame throwers. etc. Has anybody seen it?

Saw Cirque in April and was totally dazzled! Based on your husband's remarks, it is a MUST-SEE for you two!::yes::
I love all of the changing pictures! You all have beautiful children! (and nieces and nephews and grandkids!)

Cirque sounds perfect for your DH and you! I haven't seen it, but have been memorized by just watching the performances when they are shown on A&E. One of these days...

YES! Tammy! Now we're ON again for our meeting! I just called Disney and added the 12th to our dates. I keep on debating going up a level or two, but it is only the two of us and we really don't need that much. DS does keep on saying we need to be at AKL, but this way we'll have more money for our Easter adventure when there are more of us. Trying to talk DD into joining us for our extended MLK weekend. If she does, we'll upgrade.

I left a supply of hockey sticks for anyone wanting to join the "team".... its US against Dr. S!

P and PD to all those that need it. Wish I could give you all a hug in person and make it go away.

I appreciate y'alls advice. I've decided to wait to speak to the Chairman of Ortho until Friday. Let him wait a few days and stew over what I "might" do. Plus it will give me a chance to clear my head and think rationally as to what I'm going to say. The last thing I want to do is appear as a hothead or act too emotionally. Yes Dr S treated me horrifically and yes I plan on telling the Chair that I don't want him anywhere near me, near my case, etc. Dr S is NOT my doctor. I am rather curious as to why the Chair referred me to Dr S in the first place and I do intend to ask. As for filing a formal complaint against him, with the State Board and with the Trustees of UVA. Here's my plan, tell me what you think:

I will type up the entire experience in the next few days. I will even address envelopes and stamp them. If anything happens to me in the hospital, I will leave instructions with my family to mail them (& give them a copy as well). If nothing adverse happens to me, I will wait until I am released and reasonably recovered and then I'll mail them myself. My quandry right now is, should I tell the Chair when I speak to him on Friday that these letters exist - I would only do so, NOT to threaten or blackmail, but to ensure that the Chair keeps Dr S FAR away from me. Any suggestions, comments, ideas, alternatives are greatly appreciated from you all....as always.

As for those hockey sticks, please keep em handy. I'm sure the following humor would be lost on Dr S, but I'd like to give him a hockey puck and then tell him as the new owner of this hockey puck to "Keep the puck away from me." I don't think he'd get it.
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Sue Ellen
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