Help/encouragement please - female issues


Mar 15, 2011
Hi all, I have been around the Dis for several years but am new to this board. A little background: I have struggled with severe PCOS and depression for a few years. I have recently started a weight loss journey and I am down 56 pounds. and was feeling much better.

However, I got a call yesterday that my PAP was abnormal, and that I need to go back in for a coloscopy and further testing. I am somewhat terrified, though I hear that this is not totally common. The doctor mentioned something about looking for the markers for HPV 16 and 18 - not sure if that"s part of what this test will look for. Has anyone had experience with this, and could you give me some guidance?
Yes, unfortunately I have gone through this a couple of years ago. The colposcopy is like a more detailed PAP. It didn't hurt, and it didn't feel any different than a normal pap (just slightly uncomfortable). It just took a bit longer and there was a nurse along side the doctor to help. Feel free to reach out via PM if you want to chat.

Congratulations on your success of the weight loss journey! Don't let this hiccup in the road discourage you from reaching your goals that you've committed to focus on.
Hi OP I've had similar issues - had a colposcopy several years ago and it didn't hurt at all. After that my paps came back normal. I was diagnosed with PCOS last year and also struggle with weight/depression. I've been on an up-and-down weight loss journey and (thankfully) am down 31 pounds. I'm sure by now you've had your follow-up appointment, I hope all went well.
OP, I'm sending good wishes to you as well. I hope everything went well for you. I was diagnosed with HPV cervical cancer way back in 1999, I was 18 years old. Cervical cancer detection has advanced so much, and when it's caught early the treatment is relatively painless. After my cancer was removed I was watched closely for 3 years so be prepared to go in for regular colposcopies if the gyn finds anything. I think I had to go back every 3 months for the first year after removal, then every 6 months for the next 2 years. Anyway, if you see this, let us know how you're doing please.
A new medical experience can be terrifying, but you are not going through this alone. Ask questions, and follow instructions, and take along another trusted person to help you keep the information straight.
I had this when I was 20, which was 28 years ago. After the treatment, I've had normal Pap smears ever since.

It's not that uncommon, so hopefully yours will be fine afterwards!
I had an abnormal PAP followed by a colposcopy and I honestly forgot about it until I saw your post. That's how minor it (fortunately) turned out to be. My doc assured me that it was incredibly common and not to be worried and thankfully it all turned out fine. Good luck and good wishes!


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