Help! I need encouragement.


<font color=coral>I posted around Woo Hooty time<b
Sep 2, 2000
DH just found out he has severe sleep apnea. He's in the process of getting a CPAP machine. We are both overweight, so this was good incentive to go on a diet. I'm dieting with him. We aren't doing WW or anything like that at this point. We're just watching calories, fat, etc. We are eating VERY "skinny" in the daytime and a little less strict at dinner (although still low cal/low fat) because of the kids.

I am not one to exercise. I know that is part of my problem. We are going to join the Y again and maybe I'll go? I'm going to try to do that or at least walk. DH likes to exercise more than I do, so the Y should be good for him. We also have a Nordic Trac Pro that he likes to use, but it hurts my knee.

Any ideas for how to get started, recipes, recipe/dieting sites, hints, or just words or encouragement would be welcome. I almost wish my doctor had told me I have to lose. I want to support him, but he has the advantage of knowing that he may need a trachiotomy someday if he doesn't get the weight off. He is SERIOUS and I don't want to be left behind looking like a hippo! Please share some words of wisdom. I need your support and I promise I'll do everything to support all of you in return. I'm a good cheerleader . . . I just may not be a very good member of the team! :D
You'll be a good team member because every team needs a cheerleader!

You may want to head to the library and look at some of the cooking and nutrition sections. I am doing WW but there's no reason why you can't develop a program on your own. Just make sure you run it by your doctor to make sure it meets your health needs.

Also, you may want to find out if your health plan allows your doctor to make a referral to a nutritionist. I have a friend who had to lose weight because of health issues and her visits to the nutritionist were covered under her health plan with the doctor's referral. She worked with the nutritionist to develop a healthy plan and got some great recipes and menus to help her out.

I check the WW site for recipes. I also LOVE Cooking Light magazine. They have great things in there (including a quick meal section and a recipe makeover) that are easy to make and taste just delicious.

Hope that helps! And I noticed your note on the Healthy Cooking thread. Maybe next week's theme can be slow cooker/crock pot meals. I've found some really good recipes that are low in fat/calories/points.
You guys might want to consider something like It is an online weight loss community. For a fee of course, they will help you customize meal plans and track your progress with exercise tips and weekly weigh-ins.
By the weekly weigh-in, I mean I think you weigh yourself and enter in how you did that week.
But you can customize quite a bit. It might be a place to start.

Talk with you doc. Don't starve yourself. Move around - walk, take the stairs, swim, anything you like.
You guys will both see results that will mean a healthier you.

Keep us posted
Merrypoppins you can do this. Doing this with your DH will make it so much easier for both of you. Take a walk in the evening or mornign when possible it is a great way to spend some quality time just talking to your DH. If you neeed anything feel free to PM me. I have lots and lots of lowfat tasty recipes that I am willing to share. Also maybe read the weekly WISH threads that I start on Mondays. Many of us are trying to loose weight and eat healthier and everyone is goign about it different. we check in on the thread to let everyone know how the week is going and how we are doing!! Good luck. You can do this!!
MP, I just wanted to tell you that you have inspired me as well.

I need to lose a lot of weight for a lot of reasons. (about 90 lbs).

So, I started on Wednesday.

Take care of yourself and keep on checking up on me. And I will do the same for you.

Karen, my goal is to lose about 90 to 100 pounds, too. We'll make good dieting buddies! I'm doing okay. Keep feeling weak and sneaking things once in a while, but overall I think I'm doing great. Keep up the good work and email me. We can keep track of each other.

My walking has slacked off. Maybe I should try to do that today before the snow starts to fall. I know I need to do better with the excercise part. I don't have anyone who walks my pace to walk with and DH comes home too late most nights to go with me. DD said she would start going, but we haven't worked that out. Maybe she can keep me motivated.

DH just signed us up for the YMCA. His new company will pay most of the membership. We used to belong, but found out we didn't ever use the facilities. He's hoping that it could give us a shot in the arm. I don't know. Hate to get in a class with a bunch of skinny folks who think they need to lose. I have considered the water classes (but then I have to wear a swimsuit- oh horrors!) or I could go over and use the treadmill.

I've been cooking from the Healthy Exchange cookbooks. They are quick and easy. Her banana split pie is outstanding. The kids asked if it was truely a diet food! I'll share if anyone wants the recipe. It's nice to have a treat once in a while.


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