Help!!!!question Bout Ioa Coasters


Earning My Ears
Jul 23, 2001
Hey guyz i need some advice. I need to get on a coaster. My first coaster will be ice. How do i get the courage to go on it. Can u give me any tips on what to think when i do the coaster and what will make me get the courgage to get in the seat. I need something that will give me courage PLEASE HELP.
I say just get on and go with the flow. It doesnt help to get all tensed up. Stay loose. Maybe start off with Flying Unicorn to warm up with. Once you do go on it youll never get enough.
you are 15 and say you love coasters so whats the problem. I am 45 and did not start riding until i rode with my grandson in the front row of Hulk in April of 2000. It was a real eye opener and i have not stoped. do not wait until you are an ORF to do it. :pinkbounc :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :D
Go with a girl you like. Your pride will never allow you back out once you're in line!:D
go point nhrenee, girls and grandkids will do it every time. :pinkbounc :bounce:
Just don't think about being scared, because as soon as you start riding them you won't believe that you were ever nervous! I'm 14 and I love roller coasters! At IOA the best one in my opinion is The Hulk - especially in the front row!!'re not going to die on this coaster, so just stop thinking that now.

Just think about how awesome it will be to be almost flying around on that track, wind in your hair, twisting and turning and looping all over the place. You just have to ride it once, after that it's no sweat. Oh yeah, and try to bring a girl you want to impress. :)
I'd do Hulk first, and get an Express pass so you can go right on and not have time to chicken out :)

If you really want to do Ice first, go first thing in the morning or late at night when it's not busy ... same reasoning, so you can get right on and not have time to chicken out :)

Hulk was my first coaster, and because I was using FOTL to get on, I had no time to chicken out ... before I knew it I was being shot out of the gamma tube!
jeff look just go in the morning first thing. This way they should let you sit down on the seat and get a feel for the coaster. Hey if you are lucky they would lock the seats!
Jeff tell us when you go if you get on the coasters! I am really intrested to know! I had a problem with this stuff once.
fboy, how did you get over this problem. I too have a terrible coaster problem. But I love coasters, I watch every coaster show on tv. I am going in November and am trying hard to psyche myself into doing them then.
Jeff, let me know how it goes.
I was totally fearing every coaster out there- till i just figured if i don't do it I will look like like a total wimp. I did the hulk first. That was great. Now look at me. I would say get the biggest and meanest coaster out there and do it. Then you loose ALL of your fears!
Wish my DH would read this thread. He too has the same fear and I have ridden two times with him and it was not fun. I was too worried about him to enjoy myself.

It is the best place in the parks to see everything and get a perspective of how large the parks are. If you ride them at night, you can't see what is coming, so it might be better. If you can master the first hill, roller coasters are a blast. Just take 5-10 deep breaths and push your tush to the back of the seat as well as your neck and you will feel secure. The new coasters really hold you in your seat well so the fear of falling out is gone!
my aunt had a problem with the horse collar because it wouldn't come snug on her, I had one of the ops push it had agaist her chest.
I worked out a deal with IOACOASTER! to go to ioa together. Since we both have season passes and we live rather close together. We are going to dualing dragons first in the morning. Tonight at about 7:30 I should tell you guys if he gets on.


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