how accomodating are they???


Nov 17, 2001
OK we have a little situation nephew is on his death bed as we speak...we are scheduled to leave for our adventure this saturday. We don't want to cancel our trip but if we have to, do you think Disney would move it around for us, if the space is available during a different week?
This is a weird question I know, and I don't want to sound selfish and all, I am just wondering if anybody had to deal with a similar issue, was Disney nice and accomodating to them?
We have trip insurance, we could cancel, but don't want to. Also I feel VERY weird asking for a death certificate....
Thanks for any input
I am very sorry to hear about your nephew.

I doubt you're going to find anyone who has gone through exactly this situation and knows how ABD handles it. I think you will just have to call ABD and see what they say.

Personally, I can't imagine getting on a plane for vacation knowing someone close to me was that sick. I couldn't relax or enjoy myself on the trip. All I would be thinking about is the people at home. You say you have insurance - I would cancel now and try to reschedule for sometime a few months away.
This is exactly the thing that trip insurance was designed
for. The company I use covers serious illness or imminent
death of immediate family. A nephew certainly qualifies.
Thanks to you both... my insurance does cover death and "serious illeness" of family member... I guess I will just have to wait closer to departure date and keep in touch with close family members to monitor the sate of illness my nephew is in. It is a very "bizarre" situation since the mom is not giving out much information, she doesn't want to speak with anybody, that's the way she's living her pain I I feel very selfish about my "vacation issue", you see?
Thanks, I'll keep you posted


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