how are seasonal type allergens in FL right now


DIS Veteran
Jan 26, 2016
My 6 year old has had extremely bad outdoor and other environmental allergens since he was 2. His doc says for his age he is the most allergic child (to these types of things) that he has ever seen. He is allergic to:
Various kinds of trees
Various kinds of grasses
Ragweed and pollen
Dust mites
Mold and mildew
Various bugs
He is on weekly allergy shots, 2 dailyallergy medicines, a daily inhaler, a rescue inhaler, nosespray, a nebulizer and we carry an epipen. Where we live right now the allergens are terrible and he is miserable but the seasons are changing.

How are these types of allergens in Florida at this time of year? We leave Friday for our trip, and while we have all his medicinds and such ready of course, I'm just hoping he is less miserable than he is here! We see his doctor today for his last shots before we leave.
I just got back from our trip 8/23 - 8/31. I didn't use my netipot once down there, but now that I'm back in Maryland and spent the afternoon outside yesterday, my nose is all stuffed up!

I think right now Florida is better than Maryland for pollens?
My allergies are always better down there.

We went in late September two years ago and I didn't have a bad attack once. I've heard that you're there for such a short time your body doesn't have time to adjust to the new pollens and stuff. Who knows.


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