How much Alcohol do you haul to FW

How much Alcohol do you haul to FW

  • 6 pack

  • 12 pack

  • 18 pack

  • A case (24 pack)

  • 30 pack

  • a keg

  • 1 bottle

  • several bottles I mix different drinks

  • Mutiple cases of beer

  • I bring so much I am embarrassed to say

  • I buy my alcohol at WDW

  • I don't need to drink I am at WDW

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Now I know why this thread didn't get locked up, Rhonda is a closet kungaloosh connoisseur!!! :rolleyes1
Of course Rog forgot about the true southern tradition of deer hunting. Involves dogs, monster 4wd trucks, guns and beer. Lots and lots of beer and bullets.
You should try it in a frozen chocolate shot glass. We found a bar in NY back in the early 90's that sold shots of rumpleminz in frozen chocolate shot glasses. You had to quickly do the shot (or the glass would melt) then eat the glass. They were really tasty, like candy :rotfl: My DH found out that if you do 20 of them you will get violently ill and will never crave rumpleminz again :lmao:

We rarely drink, but will occasionally have a mixed drink while camping. It is a social thing. Neither of us have been more than slightly buzzed since our children were born. We believe in teaching them responsibility and that means that an adult can have an occassional drink. Does the fact that I bartend at a restaurant on occasion change anything? Of course not, I don't drink while working or even after's a job.

So enlighten me...what is kungaloosh? Sounds intriguing

I like anything covered in chocolate! That may be the way to try it.

I agree 100% with the rest of what you said! Drinking responsibley around your children shows them how to act responsibley. The minute you forbid anything, is the minute you've created a monster!
I voted 6 pack since I'm the only beer drinker in our family and I only drink one or two a day for health reasons (and only on vacation), otherwise it's just a couple on the weekend. DH loves those sickening sweet mixed drinks, give him a Kungaloosh any day! He keeps his refillable mug topped off with those evil sodas (which are actually worse for you than a beer!)

Anybody here old enough to remember Body on Tap shampoo :) Here's a little trivia for you:

"Alcohol has also been attributed of its ability to increase the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) into the bloodstream as well as help to decrease blood clots. As a conditioner too, beer has excellent results on adding up to the shine of your hair."

I did do this at home when I was sixteen...Dad kept wondering where his beer was going...and I promise I wasn't drinking it, I WAS using it on my hair.
I DONT remember Body On Tap....but I DO remember Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific
We like one or two glasses of wine every evening so we try to bring enough with us for the entire trip. Last year I brought 12 bottles which lasted us for a little over 2 weeks. It takes us 2 1/2 days to get to WDW and 2 1/2 days to get home. We stayed at WDW for 10 days.
Even though we have not stayed at FW yet, when we do go to Disney we count on 1 case a night sitting by the pool unless there is a Miami Hurricanes game on then it could be much more depending on if they are winning or not.
A bit off topic about FW, but just got back from our local VIP opening of Margaritaville here on the sunny beaches. Buffet is suppose to give a concert later this spring but what a class act this place is. So we got something DW ain't got. So what did I have to drink, margarita's of course.
We've only camped at fw a couple of time but we have been to wdw 70 times. We always take at least a suitecase(24) of miller lite and bottle of rum to the resort with us. If we are cruising or vero beach its a larger bottle of rum and no beer.

Weve also partied at pleasure Island once and got kicked off the bus for being loud when we were the only ones on and had to walk from the near the beach to the pet loop

Amanda drunk do ya have to be to get kicked off of an EMPTY BUS????? drunk do ya have to be to get kicked off of an EMPTY BUS?????

I dont think it was the drunk part he didnt like. It was the yelling to each from the front to the back. My brothers like to pick on each other and they were a little obnoxious. It was the last bus out of pleasure island and he had even told a girl who had laid down to put her shoes back on and sit up. (they had already gotten off when we started talking loudly to each other). I'm sure it wouldnt be the last time we do something like this.

it's people like you who give drunks like us a bad name.


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