How to spill the beans??


DIS Veteran
Apr 26, 2000
Our trip is booked for this November, DH and I have decided that we will surprise DS (9) with this trip! We are now thinking of how we should spill the beans!

Ideally I would tell him on the way to the airport however we are flying out of MSP and will have to cross the border into the USA the day before as we are going to drive to Minneapolis, they always ask at the border where you are going so we will have to tell him before this!

I have a couple of ideas,

1) Tell him a couple of days before, will give him a gift that will include disney goodies& Birnbaums By kids for Kids guide (he' been wanting this!) or

2) Tell him that we are just going to Minneapolis to visit Mall of America, once we are on the road and before we get to the border tell him and give him the gift!

So what do you think? Any other ideas?

I now he will love the suprise aspect-he has said before that he would love it if we just woke him up one day and told him we were going to WDW!!

I wish we could do this in MSP, but I wouldn't feel comfortable crossing the border and not saying that we are going to Orlando as well as MSP, and I wouldn't want to jump out of the car to tell the border agent as that may look kind of weird to them!

So tell me your ideas!
Grover in Winnipeg
:D :smooth: :D
DS is going to BURST! You are toooo cool! This is great! I wish I had your self control. I haven't a clue how to tell our DS, but I think this is amazing! GOOD JOB! Sandra
Oh my gosh Sandra, it is so hard to maintain this secret!! Both DH and I have almost let it slip soooo many times!! Hopefully we won't blow it!!
Grover in Winnipeg
Wow that sounds soooo neat! I wish I was there when you tell him!;)
I think I'll be doing MORE surprises next trip.

How to tell?

Is he too old to get a letter/email from Mickey Mouse? Sandra
I think I'll be doing MORE surprises next trip.

How to tell?

Is he too old to get a letter/email from Mickey Mouse? Sandra

I surprised my kids just this past January.....

It was New Year's Eve and they thought we were going up north (Laurentians) to a friends house. We were about 5 minutes from the border when I figured I had to tell them the truth, for exactly the reason you gave, Grover. DS (11) was already playing Gameboy, DD (9) was listening to her portable CD player and DS (4) was in the middle of telling us one of his big stories, when I firmly informed them that I had some good news and some bads new. They opted for the bad news first so I told them that we weren't actually going up north. After a bunch of aaah's and why not's I told them that it was because of the good news. I said "we're not going up north because we're going to Disney World". There was a stunned silence for about 30 seconds where they were trying to figure out if I was kidding. Then they started hooting and hollering. It was such a great moment. I turned around at one point to look at their faces and noticed that my DD was crying. When I asked her why she was crying she said "because my dream is coming true...I'm going to Disney World!" It was so sweet and so sincere. I also gave them a Birnbaum's for Kids by Kids. They loved it as they were able to plan their trip on the drive down.

When we stopped that night I gave them all a gift bag of items they could use at WDW....fanny packs w/water bottles, sunscreen, disposable cameras, bandaids, and $50.00 each in Disney Dollars so that they could purchase their own souvenirs (keep in mind that this was a big part of their Christmas gift). Both older children got very much into pin trading and spent quite a bit on pins. They can't wait to go back to add to the collection!

Your son will love the surprise, no matter how you spring it on him!

What about doing a scavenger hunt, with all Disney things, or things associated with WDW. We are talking about going with a co-worker and her 3 kids, and I don't think they quite believe it! LOL


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