how to store corn that has been husked?


DIS Veteran
May 30, 2001
I bought some delicious corn on the cob from a local farmer's market today and shucked it to get ready for dinner - change in dinner plans and I won't be able to use the corn until tomorrow. How do I store it overnight without it drying out? TIA!
I would just put the cobs in a ziploc bag and stick them in the fridge. I would allow them to come to room temp before boiling, so they don't cool down the water too much.
My Dad is always sending over corn from his garden and he shucks it first. I just put it in a big zip-lock and toss it in the fridge. It keeps fine for a couple of days. We've always eaten it by day 2 so I don't know how much longer it would keep.
okay thanks to you both...put it in a ziploc in the fridge... I just never shuck it until we eat--today I thought I would be prepared and it backfired!
I was told by our local corn grower to always husk right away and then store in the fridge ina sealed bag. Apparently the husks will suck the moisture out of the corn. Ours is picked fresh several times a day at the farm. If I cook it right away, I just place in boiling water, turn the stove off and let sit for 10 minutes. Perfect every time! It is also good on the BBQ brushed with a little olive oil or garlic butter!
My Dad is always sending over corn from his garden and he shucks it first. I just put it in a big zip-lock and toss it in the fridge. It keeps fine for a couple of days. We've always eaten it by day 2 so I don't know how much longer it would keep.

When my parents bring me sweet corn down from Iowa, they shuck it and bring it in Ziploc bags in a cooler. I then slip it right in the fridge. I've had it keep for over 10 days.

I'm heading up to Iowa tomorrow and will be bringing back 5 dozen ears this way. A week later I'll be having a corn boil and my Southern friends will be ruined on the local corn forever. :lmao:
For long term storage(if your plans change again or you want to stock up)...My sis has corn in her garden and we pick it, shuck it(southern for take the husks,brush off the silks(hairy stuff),wash it and lay it out on towels until dry.Pack it in freezer bags and freeze(squeeze air out).When we want corn(we eat it off cob), we take it out and let it thaw a bit, rinse it,and cut it off into pan we will cook it in. I add water,salt, sis cooks it with water and makes a white sauce for creamed corn.yummy:goodvibes
I always remove the outer husks and leave some husks on, then cook it in the microwave for 3 minutes per ear, 5 minutes for two ears. Much less mess. It stays hot for a long time so if I'm doing a lot I just cover the done ones with a towel to keep them warm.

Also, just read a new hint for freezing the corn. Cook it for just a short time, then run each cob through the center of an angel food cake pan. The kernels fall into the pan. Then bag them up and freeze. Haven't tried it yet, but it sounds easy. Waiting for the farmers corn to get done soon. :banana:


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