I will be thin by Dec 2006


<font color=blue>I call DH The STREAK!!<br><font c
Apr 27, 2005
I am going back to WDW for Dec 2006. I need to be more healthy!!! I am 28 (OMG, almost 29 :scared1: ) and I need to get it together!!!!! I have high blood pressure, and 20 pounds to lose!!!! So this is gonna be about what I do and how I get myself together!!!!! Wish me luck, comment if you wish or have good ideas I over looked! Thanks!
After procrastinating some more, and you will see that is a theme for me. I got a buddy from the wish board to keep accountability and we have roughly the same goals. So hopefully that will help me. I tend to jump into things (after procrastinating) a little whole hog, so I am trying to make permanate changes, not just jump into something and the go back to my old ways a week later.

So step 1 today is to do my best to stop drinking Coke all the time at work. Basically I sit at my desk and start the day with a coke (or 2) and a fudge poptart. :rotfl2: I am the picture of health, cant you tell? So this am I bought a jug (really a box) of O.J. and a yougurt. Had that for breakfast and not sure if that was the best combo. But it is 8:30 and i still havent had a coke, so there is hope. (And most importantly I havent hurt anyone either) Coke is like my 3 cups of coffe, i cannot function unless I have one. Good thing I never started smoking or drinking, I think I would have a bit of a problem as I have a hard time quiting Coke. :rolleyes1 But I am going to look for a walking partner around here and who knows what will happen. I was getting over zealous and looking at the WDW half. And then I should start looking for a tread mill and I need new shoes and a stop watch. Small steps not giant leaps. So I will start to mosey my way around and if I get into a walking routine then I can look at the half in the spring.
budbeerlady said:
After procrastinating some more, and you will see that is a theme for me. I got a buddy from the wish board to keep accountability and we have roughly the same goals. So hopefully that will help me. I tend to jump into things (after procrastinating) a little whole hog, so I am trying to make permanate changes, not just jump into something and the go back to my old ways a week later.

So step 1 today is to do my best to stop drinking Coke all the time at work. Basically I sit at my desk and start the day with a coke (or 2) and a fudge poptart. :rotfl2: I am the picture of health, cant you tell? So this am I bought a jug (really a box) of O.J. and a yougurt. Had that for breakfast and not sure if that was the best combo. But it is 8:30 and i still havent had a coke, so there is hope. (And most importantly I havent hurt anyone either) Coke is like my 3 cups of coffe, i cannot function unless I have one. Good thing I never started smoking or drinking, I think I would have a bit of a problem as I have a hard time quiting Coke. :rolleyes1 But I am going to look for a walking partner around here and who knows what will happen. I was getting over zealous and looking at the WDW half. And then I should start looking for a tread mill and I need new shoes and a stop watch. Small steps not giant leaps. So I will start to mosey my way around and if I get into a walking routine then I can look at the half in the spring.

You sound ALOT like me!! I could go through a 6 pack of coke a day!! Then I developed some problems...(Fibrocystic Disease..in my breast) the caffine makes them swell....REALLY BAD!! Dr. said no more caffine...not cokes, no chocolate!! Yeah, pretty tough for an addict like me!! I can usually have one small coke a week with no side effects...other than that....it's painful!! Also, I have a pack of poptarts in my desk drawer!! I'm trying to have a decent b-fast at home so I won't indulge in the PopTart mania!...sometimes it works.
Also, last year I started walking w/ a neighbor....we would do 2 miles and it was a lot of fun...then we started running and did a couple of 5k's. That was then, this is now!! I'm starting all over on the running thing. My DH and I are starting to walk in the evening now....2 miles...so far so good! I just need to get in the habit of drinking water!! I still crave cokes, but I know the consequences...not worth it!!
Look into a Women and Running program....there are alot of walkers in that program. Also, see if your area has a Running/Track Club....also alot of walkers there.

Good luck and hang in there....YOU CAN DO IT!!! :banana:
(sorry so long)
Tried rather unsucessfully to fight the caffine habit! :confused3 Made ti untill 3pm, had a root beer, got a killer headache and a bad attitude. Not to mentian a serious case of road rear end after driving w/ the Mother in Law for the day. So DD spent the night with her and I took my pouty butt home to Dh, who futhered my bad mood by wanting to stay home and cook something. :stir: :sad2: I am not cooking, I was dreaming of a nice big sausy burrito for dinner!!!! So my crabby self went up the road to buy a pizza and a 2 liter of coke. (I am holding DH responsible for my downfall, I am sure I can twist this into his fault somehow!) I am contemplating running away for the night or atleast out for a burrito but darn it it's now 8:30 and one should never eat that kind of food and go to bed. So I get my pizza and coke and head home! (Must add for my own ego; got hit on at the store, Dh might not have wanted to take me out but someone did. But I dont tell it to Dh for the sake of argument.) Hahahahah!!! :rolleyes1 He wasnt that good looking but it is the point of the thing!!!!

So sunday I wake up and repent for my sins of the day before by eating yougurt, a spinach salad and a taco during the course of the day. (While drinking the diet Cherry Pepsi I got the night before) And the mother in law and I went for a walk. But I am not sure anything moving that slowly counts as a walk. Walking with her might be tough as I am normally a fast walker and especially if there is a goal involved. (Made record time to get that soarin fast pass through the crowd and down the steps this past Dec. Dh didnt seem that impressed, he gets a bit irritated when I tell him to wait over here I will be right back.)

So its monday and I wont tell about the bag of candy hearts on my desk if you wont!?!?!? :rolleyes1
I see you are like me--just start out with some bad habits to break. I always have one cup of coffee a day and usually nothing with caffeine after that as it keeps me wide awake! Lunch is the cut off for anything w/ caffeine except at WDW. I can drink a coke and then fall asleep there! The place wears me out!

Anyway, just wanted to say good luck to you and please don't procrastinate too much/long. I am great for that but eventually it catches up to you!

I hope those candy hearts are still on your desk next week!! LOL


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