Is it Someones Birthday Today?

How did that go?

Are you on a sugar high at work now?

I wish! I'm really dragging. It was a LONG day yesterday, and a late night (it was fun of course, but exhausting). I'm going to be loading myself up with caffiene and sugar all day just to stay awake! :rotfl2:

The cake was nummy though:yay:
The short ribs were very good. We've never had a bad meal there.

Speaking of cake, when we got home I discovered that Scott had baked me a Pina Colada cake with coconut creme cheese frosting! :banana: It looks delicious, but we were just too full to cut into it last night.

So it looks like we're having cake for breakfast! :woohoo:

My fav kinda piñas are the collosal ones! :thumbsup2
I keep telling you, they sell the real stuff over here at my gas station! Remind me next time we meet, I'll bring ya some!

You know they'll use these things against you in court right?

Happy day after your birthday Rob!
any chance the Pina Colada cake recipe might end up on the recipe thread? Sounds yummy?
any chance the Pina Colada cake recipe might end up on the recipe thread? Sounds yummy?

It was an experiment. Scott typically makes it with Orange Juice and used a combination of pineapple and coconut juice that he found at the store instead. I'm eating a piece now. It's yummy.


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