'It's a bit hot, isn't it' Daty 2


Earning My Ears
Apr 14, 2009
Friday August 15th

We had booked breakfast for 7.30 so we could be at the park nice and early so we were all up by 7 (to DPs disgust). Breakfast wasn't too busy but the kids took forever to eat anything and by the tme we finished it was nearly 8.30. By the time we reached the park gates it was fast approaching 9 the DP realised he didn't have the hotel passes to get in for EMH:scared1:
He ran back to the hotel, still couldn't find them and had to get some more printed. By the time he got back and we actually made it into the park it was gone 9.30. I did manage to take some nice photos while we were waiting though.


We managed one ride on Buzz with a ten minute queue. DS2 loved this as he is a big Buzz fan. I only managed a really feeble score as for half the ride I had my gun pointing the wrong way:lmao:

The boys then wanted to go on Orbitron, although DD didn't as she has a real problem with heights, so DP took her for a wander while I queued of what seemed like an eternity with the boys and FF. It was actull only about 25 mins but I find this ride really dull which I'm sure makes the queuing worse. The boys seemed to enjoy it though.

We then headed of to Frointerland with theintention of getting FP for BFM. We stopped off at the walk through fort thing at the entrance to frontierland and the kids really liked looking through the telescopes.

When we got to BFM the CM said the queue to get a FP was at least half an hour and as it was already really hot this didn't seem that appealing, so we headed of to PM instead. DS1 was really nervous about this ride and tok a lotof convincing, but DD had been saying for weeks that she really wanted to go on it. However, I had forgotten about the bit in the lift that goes pitch black and by the time we boarded the ride she DD was crying and hid under DPs jumper for the whole ride, so missed it all. Afterwards DS1 and DD both said they wouldn't ever go on it again but DS2 said he loved it.

We went and had lunch at the Cowboy Cookout, which was ok for counter service, although you seemed to get more food with the kids meals than the adults. I could ave had one of them and saved money:confused3

Next, we went to queue for Woody's Roundup to open. We were at the front of the queue, and even though we had to wait a bout 20 mins for it to open I'm glad we got their early, as by the time it did open the queue was huge.

This is one of the best character meets I've seen. It was every organised, the kids had a decent length of time to get autographs and photos and te characters were really friendly and playful despite it being really really hot:dance3:




All 3 kids really loved this and I think it is a must for all small children, and the bonus is you get to meet Mickey, Minnie, Woody and Jessie all for one queue.

Everyone was getting tired and hot now so we decided to go back to the hotel to relax a bit. We caught the train to main street and went to get the bus back to the hotel as it was too hot to walk. As we approached the station area there were armed police, armoured vehicles and fire engines everywhere. Someone had left a bag outside the station and the police were getting ready to do a controlled explosion:scared1:

DP and FF found this very exciting and wanted to stay and watch, so I took the kids back to the hotel. It turned out the owner of the bag arrived just in time to save her suitcase, but did have to watch as a police man unpacked her underware onto the pavement infront of hundreds of people:rotfl2:

When DP and FF arrived back at the hotel the youngest 2 were asleep, so FF took DS1 off to the pool for a swim. DS1 said it was very disappointing. Apparently the slide was too small and as there is no shallow end he found it very tiring not being able to put he's feet on the floor the whole time.

We wanted to watch Stars 'n Cars, so when they got back we all headed straight to the studios. DD loved this and got lots of autographs, although t was spoilt slightly by rude pushy adults.

We had dinner booked at Walts for 6.30 and had asked for a window table so we could watch the parade, which we got. I really enjoyed the whole experiance, although DP and FF said they didn't think it was anything special. It did take a very long time though (well over 2 hours) and it was a good job we had the parade to watch as the kids may have got bored.

After dinner, we went and did IASW and POTC again as they were walk on and there wasn't actually a lot else open. We then took our place to watch the night parade. We got there about 10 and got a good place, with the youngest 2 sitting on the pavement and DS1 standing behind them. Just before the parade arrived at us a man came up behind us pushed me out the way and then pushed DS1 and stood his taller son right in front of him. DP was livid and had words with the man and then moved my son again so he could see. It made the whole parade a bit tense and spoilt it a bit. Then as we went to leave I discovered DS2 cowboy hat and DD Jasmine tiara that had been hanging on the back of our pushchair had been taken. :sad1: I think it is really sad that people go to disney and then steal off small children. What is that about?:confused3


Anyway we all headed back to the hotel in time to miss the fireworks (my kids hate fireworks) and everyone was soon asleep rady to be up early for the next day.
Great report to read, I love your photos, too, especially the one from the Fantillusion parade, with Ursula's eels (or whatever they are), I love that wagon.
I'm sorry someone stole stuff from your stroller, very disappointing that this happens in Disney as well :sad1: :mad:
More of your trip soon :)?
Great TR so far! Love your children's outfits :thumbsup2 Sorry to hear about that rude man and the things going missing, naive of me, but you just don't expect it at Disney :(

Hope the rest of your trip was OK....
Another great day. I was there 18th & 19th, so I think I went the day after you came home. When we arrived there was an area cordoned off & a sniffer dog & and an abandoned bag & while we were walking past a woman was running up to claim it! I don't know if she had to unpack it in front of everyone, because we didn't wait round to find out. I know what you mean about the heat. It was in the 30s when we were there & my daughter was so wrecked that we didn't make it to the end of the night either night to see Fantillusion or the fireworks (and was despite going back to the hotel for a nap in the afternoon), so your kids did really well!
Sorry to hear about what happened to hat and crown, it disgusts me that people can be like that. If your not safe at Disney then your not safe anywhere.

Apart from that sounds like you had a great day.
Great tr....such ashame your childrens things went missing:sad1: i just dont understand it.
You just dont think that would happen at disney. but im sure it happens all the time which is very sad.
Im glad your DP said something to the pushy man, how rude.
I'm enjoying reading your reports. :goodvibes
I know what you mean about things being tense - my husband will speak up too, like this week in the queue for Crush he told some man to back off (or something like that :rolleyes1) when he pushed past me, but it then meant this chap was BEHIND US for the next 20 minutes in the queue. It does make me feel a bit edgy. :scared1: Some people need telling though.
enjoying ur reports too!!
sorry about the rude bloke and the missing headgear..... there are always rude ppl at disney who think they have priority over everyone else (and there well n truly everywhere) and its always sad read to ppl havin things takne, hope ur dd & ds2 werent too upset about it...
Such a shame about the missing items :sad2: and as for the rude man :mad:

Glad you don't let it spoil your fun. :wizard:
what a great day except for your kids stuff. thats just awful. i cant understand anyone who would steal from a child. that is just disgusting
So sorry to hear about your missing items :sad2:

I think this problem is a little more serious than people like to think.

Anywhere there are tourists there are going to be people who prey on them (the sellers outside the park are a very good example) If you think that you can get a year pass to DLRP for 99 Euros that gives you 300 days of tourist robbing for a minimal outlay...I'm surprised that it doesn't actually happen more.

I'm constatnly shocked by the amount of people who leave big bags full of merchandise on thier buggies while riding...often multiple rides (I'm not accusing anyone on the DIS at all of doing this...I'm just commenting)

I hope your children were not too upset at the loss of thier items...I know that Kacee was heartbroken when Mickey went missing in May.


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