I've ordered my new kitchen


Planning for 2019
Mar 3, 2000
After a couple of weeks of trying to make up my mind what I wanted, we went to MFI yesterday and ordered our new kitchen :D

I have gone for a Shaker style in beech and green, which sounds awful, but looks good! DD Sam called it a manky green, but hey, who's in the kitchen most of the time? ;)

We got quite a good deal with MFI as they had special offers on, and total cost was £2,750 which includes a gas cooker and hob (both half price) all the units (45% off), carousels in the units, pan drawer, and also a laminate floor, this includes all fitting, including the floor, so a good price I think! :D

Looking forward to June when I will finally wave goodbye to the grotty DIY units with no backs on (I've had slugs in my cupboards!) which were in when we moved here, I think I will have a bonfire in the garden! ;)

Thanks to everyone who helped me out with all my queries on this, it really helped a lot! :D
Well done, Mazzy! A good price, too - not too far outside your original budget.:D
Well done Mazzy

Sounds like you're really looking forward to your new kitchen. Sounds like a good deal to me.

Good for you mazzy, Im still waiting for my new Kitchen, Im looking at next year
now(oh well must of been that holiday we had last year!!!), like you i cant wait
i think the kitchen is the worst room in our house, weve done all down stairs in our new
home except the kitchen. Pleased for you(oh ive seen the kitchen youve got!).

Well done :) Glad you managed to find something you liked at a sensible price, too.

Manky green sounds much better than slug green, anyway ;)
Congratulations Mazzy :) Is it true that having them come and fit it adds quite a bit onto the bill? I often hear it is.
Jules, yes it's terrible when you have a grotty kitchen isn't it, it isalso the worst room in our house!

Hilary, anything is better than slimy slug trails I can tell you! ;)

Shirley, well the fitting is £790 which I didn't think was too bad. Considering DH is hopeless at anything DIY we have no option but to pay to have it fitted, but I'm quite happy to pay to get a good job done, nothing worse than having a botched up job is there, so hoping they make a decent job of it.

We will have a visit from the fitter in a week or two, and they will check the measurements etc are OK. They will also check the gas and water outlets, so there may be a bit more to pay if anything isn't up to scratch. I will also get a price from them for finishing off the tiles, we are keeping what we have as they are white and sound, but there will be gaps once the new kitchen is in, so will get a quote for that too.

Next month's project - a new car! Not brand new, but hoping to get something about 4 years old, so something else to keep me busy in this LONG wait for my trip to WDW! ;)
once your new kitchen starts to be fitted, you'll have excuses not to .......

- do the washing up too frequently (or in the bath, I can remember!).

- all that dust - no cleaning for a week

- A REALLY good opportunity to clear out those cupboards and get rid of all those things you've not used in years (so speaks the world's best horder;)

and I cold go on - see, not only do you get a fantastic new kitchen, but lots of bonuses on top
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Of course I'm just plain envious, but looking around at new houses at the moment I don't think I want to see another kitchen ever again . . . .:p
:) Sounds lovely Mazzy - glad you managed to get something sorted, and it isn't too much over your budget either is it? Now that is an accomplishement! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Sounds lovely. I'm quite envious. I think you got a really good deal on that.

My kitchen isn't too bad still, after 10 years. The worst bit was the floor, but I've recently laid new vinyl tiles and it looks like a different room.


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