Jaime's Journal (Comments Welcome)


DIS Veteran
Jan 18, 2004
:chat: Jaime's Journal :chat:

Start Weight: 200 lbs
Days until Vacation: 70
Goal: Unsure what is reasonable?!?

I wasn't going to start a Journal but I feel I need the extra motivation and also a record of what I'm doing. I have a huge problem of starting and stopping my diet for birthdays, holidays... Valentines day (where everyone said eating as much chocolate as you want is okay), Weekends, Pot Luck days at work... as you can see I'll stop it for just about anything!

As of tomorrow I have 70 days until I am officially on vacation!!! I may be the only person on here who wants time to go slower and it's just because I want to lose weight. I figure 70 days is enough time to get into better shape for my trip?!?

Wish me luck.. princess:
hi and welcome to journaling! hope that this is as positive an experience for you as it has been for me :bounce:

as for a reasonable goal. hmm. 70 days is 10 weeks. so weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week is safe. so i'd say anywhere from 10-20 pounds would be a reasonable goal ::yes::

are you following any sort of specific plan? or just watching what you eat? doing any exercise of any sort? just wondering :)

i understand about having a hard time staying on "diet" during special occasions. but i think what a lot of us around here have realized is that we're not on diets. we have changed our way of living. we've embarked on healthy living journeys that we plan to continue for the rest of our lives. we try to make good decisions about food, even if that means a little bump in the road every now and again.

so anyway, i think i'm rambling. good luck, if you have any other questions, feel free to ask! :wave:
Welcome!!!! :wave2: Marcia summed it up very well! We would love to know more about your plan; it is very important to have one. Make sure you exercise and drink a lot of water. Wonderful things can happen in 70 days! :Pinkbounc I hope journaling is a good experience for you; make sure you post everyday (or close to it), so you can always get your support from all of us. ::yes:: Good luck on your venture; let us know if you have any specific questions. :sunny:
Thanks for the info and encouragement! My plan is to eat right and to exercise. I'm having a hard time getting started because I've just had a huge dietary change. After 6 years of being a vegetarian I've gone back to eating meat. I have a George Foreman grill and have had chicken almost daily, I can't get enough! As far as junk food goes I've had my first Big Mac, KFC and Pepperoni Pizza in years and I'm craving this stuff like mad!!! It's like I woke up one day and just couldn't do it anymore. It was entirely effortless being a vegetarian up until that day and then it all changed. I won't be going on an atkins diet anytime soon but the variety in my diet has expanded to so many options I'm almost lost. Disney aside, If I don't control my eating now I'll gain a lot of weight regardless!

Day 70 - Ate right, no candy! Felt great by the end of the day knowing that I'd stuck it out through day 1. That night I turned down renting a car for the weekend knowing that it would only drive me to a restaurant! I didn't go to the gym because I thought we'd be going out with the car.

Day 69 - Rented the car anyway and ended up at McDonald's and a megaplex with a bag of popcorn. :( Can not owning a Car be considered a diet? lol Bought new outfits for the Gym on Monday.

Day 68 - Although just started I'm not going to let yesterdays early cheat cause the "my diet will start on Monday" mentality. The diet is on NOW!

I need to swear off diet Soda. This is my goal for next week. No more pop and a lot more water!!
good for you for getting right back on track after a bad day. that's the best way to do it! put it behind you and move forward. you're right, this is NOW, not tomorrow, not any other day, now. and it's a good idea to drink lots of water, and eliminating soda should help too. good luck, you can do it! :bounce:
Monday Day 67 - Small amount of cheating by eating a chocolate bar but nothing else was off track. I didn't go to the gym today, I did laundry instead. ( few blocks away, 6 loads to carry!)

Tuesday Day 66 - Didn't go to the gym again... I had to go to the Mall to book our Hotel for our second week in Orlando. I didn't end up booking, there weren't any deals better than on the net. Also went to the grocery store on the way home to buy some food - Good, HEALTHY food. ;)

Wednesday Day 65 - WENT TO THE GYM. I dragged my friend with me and she picked up her membership so hopefully I'll have my gym buddy soon!! I love how well I sleep after working out. Will be going again Thursday night for sure!

I've lost 3lbs!!!! :jumping1:
congrats on the 3 pound loss! that is great progress! keep up the great work :bounce:
Originally posted by marsh0013
congrats on the 3 pound loss! that is great progress! keep up the great work :bounce:

Thanks! It feels so good. I'm right on track!

MAJOR UPDATE - my scale is broken! I've weighed myself with the fancy Gym scales twice and I actually weigh 187.3 lbs! I've still lost only 3 physical pounds but mentally this means I've just lost 13 lbs! 10 extra pounds in just one day! lol :cool1:

And yes, that's right I did go to the gym today. I'll be going tomorrow night too as well as on Saturday. I'll be taking a break on Sunday.

Bonus Weight gone. I love it! Great job keeping on track and going to the gym. Congrats on the 3 pound loss.
Jaime, hope all is going well! In the beginning it can be tough to stay on track and we've all hit bumps in the road. It's OK to come back if that's what is keeping you away. I know I always think of avoiding my journal when I've had a bad day or two. :D

We're here, Jaime, and thinking of you! :sunny:


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