Jennifer's journals to weight loss(comments please)


Earning My Ears
Mar 2, 2004
I signed up to join this group today. I am going to try and lose 100 pounds by september of 2004. I am hoping to work out at least 30 minutes a day or more. I could use some encouragement though this whole deal. I am not very motivated when it comes to reaching my goals.
If you read some of our journals, you'll find we are a very supportive bunch. You will find that we are here for you - to joke with, vent at, ask questions, whatever. Welcome to journaling. I hope you get as much out of it as I do.
What type of eating plan are you going to follow? The exercise is a great idea and will make a huge difference in your weight loss journey. Tell us a little about yourself and feel free to read our journals and get to know us!::yes::
Welcome aboard! Here's :wizard: :wizard: (pixie dust)that you'll find success with this WOL!!
hey jennifer! you've made a great step toward reaching your goals just my setting them! i know you can do this. take it one day at a time. set mini goals for yourself. it will make it much easier. and of course, we'll be here to support you along the way! so whenever you feel you need extra motivation, no worries, we're here for you :)

be sure to visit and post to your journal often. it has been a great tool for many of us around here, i hope it will work out just as well for you :bounce:
What will your weight loss plan be? I have found that Atkins with an hour walking every day has really done it from me...and water water water!

Take your diet one day at a time. When you feel tempted to cheat, vow to make it to the end of the day! Then start over again in the morning...

You have started a life changing event, realize that there will be ups and downs, when you feel down, get on here, there is always someones story to read or post and get the encouragement you need, I've got 70 lbs to go, but by gosh I've lost 52 and you and I both will make it!

Go for it!
Jennifer, welcome to the WISH Journal board! You've started a journey toward being a healthier you - it's a journey the rest of us have also started, so you've got lots of good company here! We'll be happy to walk with you, help you over the rough spots and celebrate with you when things are going well.

Glad to have you on the journey! :sunny:
Take it one day at a time and you can do it! Start some positive thinking and just repeat - I CAN DO IT !

30 minutes a day to exercise is doable (yeah, yah, yeah I know you're busy) but soon that 30 minutes will be so easy that you will be moving it to 45 and just get out those WATP tapes and go for it!

See you Tues at weight class

One day at a time and come here for some support! We all are cheering for you ;)


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