Jiggly Mommy No More - Post Baby Journal


Sep 19, 2007
My name is Lorna aka lilysmommy and this is my weight loss journal. Lets start at the beginning shall we?

Almost 4 years ago I had the most wonderful experience:lovestruc- I became a mommy to my daughter Lily. The problem was I gained weight during pregnancy, a LOT of weight and most of the lbs. stayed. Fast forward to November of this year, when I had Eli.:lovestruc

My start weight was 175 lbs and I weighed 214 at delivery add to that I am only 5 foot and 4 inches - well it makes a chubby mommy or as Lily says a "jiggly":eek: mommy.

My hubby also gained some lbs in the years since we got married and had Lily - however he started running this year and is now an avid 5K runner with NO weight issues.

I returned to work this week and realized that I didn't want to be " Jiggly " Mommy anymore. I really want to be a 5K running hot mamma with a killer bod, so I am starting NOW.

Can I lose down to my goal weight of 130 lbs? Can I build muscle tone and get in shape? Will I continue to be called " jiggly mommy"? Stay tuned!!!:happytv:

(any and all comments and encouragements are welcome so feel free to post!!!):cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Yesterday was day one of the NEW me plan. I started not only this journal but also joined loseit.com in an effort to track my progress. I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome of yesterday's efforts.

I am one of those people who MUST have motivation in many different forms. I set a goal, I make a plan to follow (cause to me having a plan requires I finish what I start thus it is a motivator), I have a planned reward but until now I have always strived to do this quietly without motivation from other people almost as if I am afraid to share due to others thoughts about me. Well NOT more. I have already created a friend list on loseit and I have created this journal in an effort to create a new motivator.

And let me tell you it works - yesterday I not only kept a food journal on my profile but I also exercised. I pushed the kiddos in the stroller for a mile walk. It was wonderful! I had forgotten how great exercise can be and how good eating right makes one feel and It is ONLY day one.

Will jiggly mommy continue her progress? Stay tuned,
Well, lets just say best laid plans don't always work. My plan yesterday was to walk the one mile circle in my neighborhood. It did not happen. Thanks to a very mouthy 4 year old who was very grumpy I only walked a half mile and when i attempted to use the wii fit - she proceeded to interupt every 2 minutes until I gave up. I did manage to stay on track with my calorie counts though. In fact according to loseit.com I was 200 calories under my daily allowed intake. Make no mistake being under calories was not my plan - I know that my body needs 1500 calories a day to function properly so being under was unfortunate. Today I have planned out my meals and snacks and the calorie count is still under by 500 - so i will have to add some extra calories in through out the day but at least I have a plan.

Will I be able to keep up the calorie counting? Will I be able to exercise today? Stay tuned.:happytv:
Great start!

I stopped counting calories because I was ALWAYS under and I can't help but thinking about nothing but food. (I'm sure cause I was hungry cause I wasn't eating enough!) Crazy but not eating enough can actually hurt your weight loss... CRAZY but true.
I was upset about not losing weight and a trainer at the club went over my daily food intake with me and told me that I need to eat more (mostly protein) I ate more and lost weight for the first time in three week!!

Good Luck!!! You can do it, and once you finish your first 5k your going to feel awesome!

You can do it Lily! And you daughter will begin to enjoy your walks together the more you do it. Even if it's a short distance it will get longer over time, you have to start somewhere right?

Eat lots of fruit and veggies.
thanks for the encouragement ya'll. I need it.

Well, there was NO walk last night. I didn't get off work on time and it was already dark when I got us all home. I did manage to cook a great healthy dinner - baked chicken with squash and green beans. I was a few calories under on my daily allowed intake but I am getting closer each day - I find I typically eat too few calories when I eat like I am supposed to. I have mapped out the food for today and will have a hug dinner and an extra snack just to make sure I get plenty of calories. I hope to walk tonight.

On another note - how do you stop emotional eating? The hubby and I had a huge fight last night that has carried over to today and I am desparately trying to not eat everything in sight.

Can I stick to the plan or will emotional eating win? Stay tuned.:happytv:
Well, I am finally able to post again.

When we left off I was trying to not stress eat after a fight with the hubby. I managed to make it through that hurdle and then the ice storm hit. You see I live in North Louisiana so we got a lot of ice over the weekend. It was not too bad until Sunday. At 10:00 am on Sunday morning we lost power and ended up heading over to the inlaw house. We had to stay the night and were able to return home on Monday morning. Which would have been great if we kept electricity - I got home Monday at 9 am and lost power at 1030 am so back to the inlaws I went with the kids. all the time spent at their house meant that I was NOT able to eat like I wanted and instead at over calories. But today is a new day and I am back at work on the diet and exercise front. I have to work late tonight but I will be able to cook dinner in my own house tonight. will I get back on track? Stay tuned.:happytv:


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