jlp651's Journal-Battling EMS Butt-posts welcome

I've re-read your journal from the beginning. You said initially that you wanted to eat higher protein and lower carb. Have you read any of the books or picked a particular plan? There's Atkins, Carb Addicts, Protein Power, South Beach - all the programs work but you really should pick one and read the book so you understand WHY it works. It's easier to stick to a plan if you understand the reason that your body will lose weight while on it. If you'd like to know more about the differences between the plans, feel free to ask. Maybe we can find the plan that you'll be most likely to follow.

If I had to pick one thing to start on, I think it would be your breakfast choices. You rarely get any protein with your breakfast. Do you find you're hungry within an hour after eating breakfast? Do you feel the need to snack between breakfast and lunch? If you do find yourself hungry mid-morning, it may be because you've eaten mainly carbs for breakfast and haven't balanced them with some protein.

Does any of this sound like it might apply to you?
First you need to get better then you can work on your plan. Hope you are more like yourself soon.:D
OK I'm FINALLY feeling better...I have looked at what everyone has posted...
As for a plan...I'm not big on strict diets...I am sure there is a method behind the madness but its not for me-when my body needs something I usually know-its easier to work with that-I've also been watching my portions...a friend of mine is on weight watchers and even though she is driving me crazy with "how many points is that?" I'm picking things up along the way so I cant complain...I've increased my protien intake before (with out cutting out all carbs ie hi carb for breakfast) and it has worked. Writting here has made me realize that I just need to stick to my plan...so with that being said-I've increased the protien I intake in the morning...for instance today I had 4 strips of bacon and a biscut...it lasted me until about noon...where I have 1 chicken taco and one steak taco (just meat-I'm picky) with that being said I was famished by the time I was done teaching class and buckled-I got a reeses peanut butter candy bar...I couldnt resist...and it tasted yummy...Since I got home dinner consisted of 2 ears of corn (lite on the butter) 1 piece of grilled chicken that I did all by myself and about a cup of grapes

I did about 1 mile rollerblading today...which is a lot less than what I usually do (usually about 5 miles) but the wind was working against me and I was on a time constraint-but I had to get something in...I'm thinking I might do abs in a little bit to feel a little bit more balanced.

I start yoga next Monday...I cant wait! I love it! but that will also give me incentive to pay attention to myself a little more-gotta love those cute little outfits you get to wear!

If I need a snack I'll either grab a glass of milk or an apple-maybe both!

Is this starting to sound better? Or at least on the right track?

My goals (I have two-I figured they are small)
More protien at breakfast
More excerise
You're on the right track! Be careful with that apple, though. If you eat it all by itself and you're starving a half hour later, then you might want to eat the apple with some peanut butter smeared on it next time, or also a string cheese - something with protein.

Through trial and error you'll find what works. You just have to pay attention to your body and what it's telling you.

Your exercise will help too!

Way to go!! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:


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