Kerri's Here We Go Again Journal (comments welcome!)

Hi Kerri,

Thanks for checking in with my journal. You are doing an amazing job staying OP. I'm impressed by your willpower. Resisting those cookies is a major accomplishment. Great job with thise Firm workouts.

Kennedy was on our short list of girl names. Weird huh?

Have a great one,
Hi Keri,
Isn't it nice when people notice that you are losing weight and compliment you on it? Plus, you have the added bonus of your clothes feeling loose as well. Woohoo!

Good luck at weigh in!

Have a great day,
I just haven't had time to post to my journal daily lately. But I'm still on track.

B: 2 fried eggs
L: 2 slices of deli turkey with swiss cheese and sugar snap peas
D: 1 1/2 cheeseburger patties, tossed salad w/ FF Ital, and brocolli.

I have been doing really good not snacking after dinner.

I have been a little lax on the exercise. I haven't been feeling well and I knew I needed some rest time. Funny thing is, it's driving me crazy to not exercise. I have been doing some light exercise. Monday I walked about 2 miles and yesterday I did the FIRM 10 minute ab routine.

Tonight we're going out to wings for my step father's B-day. I was thankful for that because I can eat wings! Then we are going to my mom's house for cake. It won't be easy, but I know I won't eat any. I've resisted before. Plus I just had a cheat day on Sat. and I'd like to do another on my birthday (June 9). I think that knowing that I will eat cake on my B-day will help me resist eatin cake tonight.

BTW, even with my cheat day on Sat, I have lost 1 more pound since Sat. I was able to get right back on program the very next day. Usually if I cheat, it can last for days or weeks. But this time I told myself that I have to learn how to get right back on the wagon.

I do have some concerns with Mother's Day. I asked my husband to make breakfast for me with the DDs. Omlets are very legal. Then I'll feel like I'm having something special. The probelm comes with my mom wanting to do something. Then I have no idea what type of food will be available. I'll make it through though!
Wings with Blue Cheese is always the thing that makes me think I should do Atkins! MMMMMMmmmmmm
You are doing great! Keep it up. Enjoy some wings for me!
Kerri, I hope Mother's Day went well for you! Am thinking of you and hoping you're having a wonderful week!

:hug: and :sunny:


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