kids & shore excursions


Earning My Ears
Jun 10, 2003
I have a 6 yr. old that wants to do snorkling when we go on our cruise. Has anyone had children in this age group doing this and what should I expect? How much instruction do they give, do I need to be in the water with her? Also, can 4yr olds do it too?
Thanks in advance.
It really depends on the excursion. You'll have to look at all the snorkling ones listed and pick one that allows 6 YO's. Some of them do, some of them don't. All of the snorkling excursions that I've seen ( I could be wrong) don't allow anyone under the age of 5. I believe this is the cutoff for the more tame snorkling adventures, and NO ONE under the age of 5 can even attend. DCL won't let someone under 5 (or the age listed) even go on the trip, I was told it's because of insurance issues. So, if you want to take your 6 yo on a snorkling adventure, you'll have to leave the 4yo behind, either in the clubs or with another parent.

As to instruction, most instruction on a snorkling trip, regardless of from DCL or independent boat, is just telling you how to use the mask and fins during the ride to the snorkling spot. Usually it's only approx 5 - 10 minute talk and you're on your own pretty much (meaning sometimes someone (usually one person) from the boat jumps out if it's a guided tour, but if you're just swimming around in a confined area they don't even get off the boat). Unless your 6 yo is a VERY strong swimmer, I'd want to be in the water, since I'd be afraid that first he/she would swim off and not understand to go that far. Also, sometimes when snorkling, there are stronger currents out in the ocean that wouldn't be aproblem for an adult, but a 6yo might get pushed and have problems swimming in such a current, since it might be too strong for them.
We went with my nephew-6 last year on a sail and snorkel. He did ok. He wasn't out very long. It had started to rain right as we got to the spot to snorkel and he wasn't real happy. You never know with the little ones!

Another option would be to go somewhere not specifically designated as a snorkeling trip. We did the Blue lagoon excursion our first trip. It has a nice area (very shallow, I'd say up to waist may be a little deeper in spots) for swimming and another area for snorkeling. It was our first time snorkeling. You can either rent the equipment/ vest ($5 a piece for the vest) or bring your own. You walk in. You could take the older one out and let the younger one "experiment" closer in. In the snorkeling area where it is shallow there was all kinds of interesting things to see in the rocks/sand!

I'm sure any of the cruises would have something similar. And you could also snorkel at CC with them. You do have to go out a bit to see the fish, but at least the younger one could try it closer to shore. Free vest here!!! So just bring a mask!

Have fun!!
we took our kids (DS-5 and DD-3) on Cptn Marvin's excursion in Grand Cayman. They both had life jackets on and tried snorkeling at our first stop. They LOVED it, *until* a wave went over their snorkel and they tasted the salt water, that was then end of snorkeling for them!

They had both had swimming lesson and were comfortable in the water (I think this is key). The real issue for them was the waves being too intense to allow for just "laying there" while snorkeling.

We'll definitely try again with them this year - we're doing Eastern and we're hoping to find a calm enough beach area where they can give it a try.

Also, if you have a pool accessible to you, you could get your kids to try in there before you go. That's how I learned myself (many, many years ago LOL).

Came back to add: you'll have to do your own excursion for the 4 yr old - I don't think any of the DCL ones offer it that young


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