Kristin's WISH Journal For 2009


88 MPH
Jan 2, 2009
Well I am starting my WISH Journal for the year. First off let me announce my goal of losing 70 pounds. I am currently 179 but at 5'0 1/2" it's time for change!! I'm only 23 years old and being unhealthy just isn't an option.

I have set up an every other day exercise routine for myself. Sunday is my rest day.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
-30 Minutes ~ Elliptical
-10 Minutes ~ Weight Lifting
-100 Crunches

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
-30 Minutes ~ Tread Mill
-15 Minutes ~ Yoga
-100 Crunches

I am going to make sure and watch what I eat. Journaling everything I eat during the day. WISH me luck ;)
Monday is my weekly weigh-in day. I weighed myself today and I have lost 2 pounds in a week. Go me!! Even those two pounds make me feel good and makes me want to work even harder. Convinced my mom and my neighbor to start going too the gym with me every day as well.


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