Laurie's journal - Atkins plan (comments welcome)

I am wondering if culmulative stress is what is getting to me right now. I'm still fighting this cold--congestion and cough and I feel generally run down (yet I'm not really doing anything). It is tough just to get out of bed. Reminds of the mono I had in high school!

I am still quite stressed, still waiting for the last things to be evaluated by the course facilitator and get some answers as to what else is needed to finish up this program. I have been trying to get references and other things forwarded to both my home district and the neighboring school district (they listed two HS English positions last week) and also get everything in order for substitute teaching. I can't apply for my permit and license until I have my final transcript from UOP. In the meantime I am just so very tired.

The Kitties' health has improved. Tilda's seems croaky in the morning (like me) and then her voice seems fine. She has been more active. Niko is good. Sasha--just try to keep her quiet/still after her surgery. Yeah, right. She feels fine and we only had one night where we fought her licking her stitches. They are all getting along very well.

DH is still fighting the bug too. His tummy was all upset again this morning--could that be stress also? We all could use a good vacation but it is not in the budget right now. We are looking forward to summer at this point.

So to laundry and vacuuming and picking up around here. There is plenty to do...
Well, I finally have earned my degree and I am just waiting for UOP to complete the paperwork so that it appears on my transcripts so I can order them, and then take the whole packet up to the office to get my work permit and apply for certification. I am having to turn down substitute teaching dates in the interim, I can't work without the permit and I am a bit frustrated with the waiting.

I received an A for my last course and have finished with a 3.97 GPA, so I didn't tie my mother's undergrad GPA, I'm one-hundredth away (she had a 3.98). Oh, well, only 3 credits of A- out of 34 credits total, not too bad.

I have work scheduled with a local TV station Friday and Saturday to trouble-shoot their graphics generator and build school closure and Olympics graphics. I was also called to do two hockey games (one in February and one in March) up in Vancouver BC. I've never done graphics for a hockey game, and I told the crewer this, but I suppose they are a bit desperate. I also told her that if I get a FT teaching position, I will have to back out of the dates.

I do have a meeting with my principal scheduled for Tuesday afternoon and the jobs in the other district are just closing today on the application period. My friend who teaches at the HS where the positions are has put in a good word for me with the principal there also. I would really rather work at the HS where I have been student teaching. The staff is really incredible and supportive. The new HS would be a wildcard. If I do not get a FT position, I will just take as many sub dates as possible, but will clear the two hockey game dates from the schedule. It is sort of a no-brainer as my DH puts it, TV graphics still pays 4x what a day of subbing does. Too bad teachers aren't paid like event TV.

My cough is still deep and hanging on. It gets really bad at night. Tilda's croak is back and she also has runny eyes. She has a vet appointment tomorrow. Niko and Sasha are both healthy. Poor Tilda! Her appetite is good though, which was not the case when she first picked up a cold.

Laundry and vacuuming again today. I've re-read the first 4 Harry Potters (again) and will begin #5. It keeps me from going a bit crazy with the waiting and is better than going out to spend money shopping for school clothes (when I am not earning anything right now).
Laurie, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You did it! You finished your Masters - WOW!

I'm just so happy for you! :hug:

Don't let that deep cough linger too long. I'd hate to see you diagnosed with walking pneumonia! OK, I'll turn off my Mom-voice now. ;)

I hope Tilda is all better soon.

Best wishes for a permanent full-time position in the very near future, and for plenty of :sunny:. I hear the :sunny: is in short supply out your way these days.
Thanks Doe! and yes, I am trying to take care of myself. Now, if my DH would just keep from bringing the next, new cold home!

To catch up...I have been having to push UOP to make sure I have the correct documents in hand to apply for state certification. I had almost everything together last Monday, except they messed up on one of the last documents to come Monday morning and it was missing my social studies endorsement. I immediately had them fax a new form to the state office while I stood there to make sure it arrived and filed the fax with the first (incomplete form). I let them know that I needed the new correct original sent ASAP so that it could replace the other form. It did not arrive until yesterday (so much for express mail...uhg). So I will have to run it up to the office tomorrow first thing.

I have a temporary permit in hand, however, my district wants a real certificate which could take up to 12 weeks to process. I need to get subbing and also, there is the strong possibility of a part-time position at the same high school where I did my student teaching. I'll know more by Tuesday or Wednesday. So, it is critical that I am cleared to work. In the meantime, I interviewed for an English position in a neighboring district and didn't get the job, but the principal wants me to reapply when she posts the new positions for next year when the senior class is added at this high school. At least that was a position, in a week of nerves and stress.

Tilda seems to be over her cold but still is getting over an eye infection. Niko has now caught the eye thing. Sasha seems OK. The vet said that the eye thing should pass on its own and to keep their eyes wiped out and to bring them in if it gets worse before looking better. Tilda had hers about 3 days before it started to subside. Sasha is scheduled for 3rd set of kitty shots on February 8th.

Heathwise, I've got another cold. And the weather has been such a quick change from high to low to high and back to stormy low, that my sinuses are so painful I can hardly think. So hopefully, this will be a better week.
Just a couple more hurdles to jump over and then all the hassles can fade to distant memory as you settle into a permanent teaching position. Keep up the good work, Laurie, and day by day you'll get closer and closer to that goal!

As much as I like you, Laurie, I must admit I'll be rooting for the Steelers on Sunday. :) Are you a Seahawks fan??

Yes, Doe, I like you too! but, I have to be rooting for the Seahawks. (I do admit that I am quite tired of the last two weeks of hype over the game thought. Even DH is almost to the point of just wanting to hear the final score.) We have good friends in Pittsburgh. He was bestman at our wedding and his folks still have Seahawks season tickets. She is Pittsburgh born and raised (and only lived out here for a few years before she got so depressed for light and Polish food.) As "Microsoft Millionaires" they're probably at the game, each dressed in their respective colors.

I have a job!!! The teacher who was supposed to be coming off medical leave isn't. I got a call late on Tuesday to ask if I'd take on all the classes and was at a parent meeting on Wednesday night to explain the course. It is primarily a WASL exam prep course with a heavy emphasis on reading, writing, and study skills. The reading and writing tests are just 5 weeks away (or 14 total class periods on the block schedule). What can be accomplished in such a short amount of time!!!??? As much as it is hoped some serious review and test-taking skills can be learned in that time, some of these students are really shooting for the next re-take in August. Right now I have only 28 students in 4 classes with more to be added over the first two weeks of the semester. And yes, the classes are heavy in boys.

I am having to begin as a substitute and then be changed to long-term sub and then finally, "real" teacher. This means the pay will not be as good to begin with but it also means that my principal can hire me without having to post the position and interview for it. I know there will be a FT position available next school year (and maybe up to three in the department). I was also encouraged to apply over at the high school where I interviewed for positions next year. Right now, I am just pleased to begin work tomorrow. (Oh, and we right pissed off the HR rep in charge of subs in this process...before I was put on the rotation, I was taken off of it.)

We have had a doozy of a wind storm overnight and today...I am surprised we haven't lost power or cable/internet. We had 60 mph winds last night and it is still storming with driving rain. Probably all my fault. I planted some spring flower pots with mini daffodils and primroses in them to brighten up the front porch on Wednesday. They are still in the back yard out of the way of the bad winds. I also added small helebors (sp), mini red flax, and mini ivy to the containers. They look very pretty, if I do say so myself. However, the neighbors blame me (and not the groundhog) when the weather takes a turn for the cold and nasty because every year when I plant my annual pots, the weather gets unseasonably cold for a few weeks. (It was June before I got my pots done last spring! and they still blamed me!)
:D Those silly neighbors! Of COURSE you didn't cause that windstorm! :D Tell them that next year you'll plant stuff every week for months and months if they don't stop blaming you! ;)


I'm so happy for you Laurie!!!! You've done it! It wasn't an easy road but you've traveled it well and you should be very very proud of you! Heck, I've never even met you in person and I'M proud of you!

As for the Super Bowl, I'm only rooting for the Steelers because they're from PA. I'm not an avid fan. I primarily watch the commercials! :D May the best team win!
:cheer2: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: :teacher: pixiedust:

Congratulations Laurie.

Sorry that I haven't been around. I've established a journal on "the other" site. Doe's there too. Not that I am recruiting. :ssst:

You have worked so hard, and now you have a job as a teacher. You will do an incredible job. I am so proud of you.

Try and stay warm with that winter weather that has decided to return. Your gardening always sounds so lovely. :rose: :daisy:

Enjoy your first day,
Doe and Beth, Thanks for your kind words. I'm trying to "wing it" and look like I know what I'm doing.

I was introduced at the Wednesday faculty meeting as the "Literacy Intervention Specialist." Had I known I would have some kind of title, I would have run miles in an opposite direction. I'm still in substitute status regardless of how my principal is referring to me and I'm definitely just getting by right now.

My students all have behavioral, motivational, and attitude issues as well as low skills for reading and writing (and math & science). After reviewing the work turned in this week (from those who made it through the week without being ill or suspended), it looks like effort and attitude is the key factor in getting them to pass these exams. The boys definitely have the edge at the moment over the girls. Almost all are focused on getting past the hurdles of the exams the first time around. I hope that the good attention and attitudes towards success continue. The girls are another problem altogether. At least half are more concerned with social issues (who is in class to flirt with) rather than getting ready for their exams. Thankfully, most of the butterflies are all together in the same group with just one boy (and he, as the awkward sophomore, is all too pleased with his excellent luck as most of these girls wouldn't give him the time of day elsewhere. He is definitely the brains of the class and likes the attention he is receiving all the way around.)

Sleepwise, I am so tired. I didn't sleep well Sunday, Monday, Tuesday nights. I got more sleep over Wednesday night and last night, but I'm still in deficit mode. I have lesson planning to do this weekend and a bit more of grading. But I have a good beginning on it.

DH and I began walking (with the clear weather) this week. My asthma keeps us from pushing it in the cold and we did take day 3 and day 5 (tonight) off as we are a bit sore (my hips and knees and DH's shins). We will try to go twice tomorrow after it warms up some.

My palms have been covered up for overnight. We had light frost the last two nights but tonight is supposed to be down to 24 degrees. The sago is in the garage. The primroses, daffodil, heleabors, & ivy pots are now on the front porch, but they should survive the cold.

Sasha is not used to me being gone for so long and thus, when I get home, has to be held for most of the evening. It is a challenge to use the computer with her in my lap and trying to help type. She is getting so big and now can jump up on the kitchen stools (and is working on her jumps between them after watching Niko go through his routine). Double fangs have appeared just in time to get the last of her kitten shots on Wednesday.
DH and I got in 5 of 7 days of 40-minute walks over last week. We have also tried to add more fruit and vegetables to our meals over the past week also. Now if the weather will just cooperate--there is actually a chance of snow in the forecast.

I'm now into my second week of teaching with two short weeks ahead. We are off on Friday and next Monday for Presidents' Day break. My folks have all of next week. They will be heading to Provo to visit my sister and the girls. I wish I was going too...I would really like to get on my skis.

I'm finding that the boys are overwhelmingly more motivated to accomplish something in class than the girls. Perhaps it is just that the one class of mostly girls are more interested in the social aspect of school and most of the boys are sort of anti-social. Even so, I'm doing my best to build in daily accountability and rewards (today it was Starbursts because of Valentines day). Now if I could just get all of them to attend class (and school). Chronic absences really impact all of these students' academic performance.

The kitties were really into playing when I got home this afternoon. After about a half hour, they seem to have decided it is now nap time. I will take advantage of the break and try to get some lesson planning done.
I need to vent. I am so frustrated right now.

I have been teaching my literacy intervention classes now for five weeks--34 students total now--and student hit their first round of testing next week, which is the reading and writing portions of the WASL exams. I found out a week ago yesterday that the teacher who was supposed to be coming off medical leave (long-term medical leave) to teach the classes but didn't, now wants to come back but for only two classes. I will get to keep two. At first he was insisting that he take the two morning classes...I would keep the afternoons, but if he took periods 1 & 5 or 2 & 4, I could at least sub 2 full days each each, which would help me earn at least a decent living. (I've been subbing during my off-periods because we are so short on subs right now.) Well, he chose to take my 2 & 4 classes because it would mean a shorter day for him--these are my two smallest classes and most motivated students!!! I'm heartsick about giving them up.

Quite frankly, after meeting with him on Friday with the principal, I don't see how he is going to be able to teach. He still has to wear a surgical mask when out in public. He can't speak very loudly--it was difficult to hear him in a quiet office. He actually didn't seem very coherent--he had a heart transplant, then had a stroke afterwards, then there is a virus which has been attacking his heart and immune system, and then he told us that there may be some rejection issues. What is this guy thinking!???!! More than that, these are at risk students who have begun making great improvement based upon the relationship we have established and my belief in their abilities translating to belief in themselves. If he comes back, and then leaves, or is absent (I'm the first to fill in), then these students may feel abandoned or on some kind of rollercoaster.

He also told me, after looking through how I'd set the course up and gave him a representation of what we'd covered thus far, that it wasn't what he envisioned this course to be or look like. He saw it as more an individual focus, which is fine accept that these students need structure and with five weeks prior to the first exam, they needed to be brought up-to-speed as quickly as possible to give them the best opportunity to succeed on the test. What I've found by viewing their work, is that most do not suffer from any lack of ability and their reading and writing skills were not far from standard; most simply were not doing well based upon a lack of attendance at school, lack of motivation and work ethic, and a very bad attitude about their own achievement. "I can't" is normally what I hear, instead of "I'll give a try." If I were to simply put every student into a contract-based learning system (time consuming to set up to begin with and I was handed this class two days before the semester for planning purposes), then I wouldn't see any work accomplished by most. We are supposed to plan together and implement similar lesson plans. I don't hold much faith in this guy allowing me to have much input, he is pretty arrogant from what I've heard from other teachers and likes to do things by the seat of his pants on most days...I'm a planner, I like to know what we need to accomplish and build in measurements to make sure students are getting the concepts and skills along the way which having some fun.

So frustrating!!!

We have not been able to walk much. We had very wet, and very cold weather the last couple of weeks. Even snow this week--strange for Western Washington. I'm craving comfort foods while I fight off a cold and deal with the uncertainty over my classes and the lack of a paycheck (looks like I have to teach for two full months before being paid for the first one.)

The kitties are doing very well, although they seem to pass a cold around and around too, between them. Sasha is growing and growing!!! She is exceptionally beautiful, long and sleek and is getting to be a talker. She still loves to snuggle and keeps her big brother and sister busy playing with her.

Well just three weeks to spring day at a time, right?


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