Lisa and Stan's PJ BRAND NEW UPDATE!

Sorry to read about your string of bad luck, your in my thoughts :hug: . From what I have read on here it is not only normal to change your mind but expected! Don't sweat it, I'm sure it will all work out :thumbsup2 . Can't wait to read more :)
Well my sister told me she will not go to my wedding if it falls on the week of the start of school. I can understand though(sorta,:sad: ) it will be her first day of high school. And my mom said if that happens she won't go either! I am ripping mad right now! But what really makes me mad is when she said this: "If I don't go, then Aunt Jeannie is going to take my place." I sat there and stupidly said oh okay but on the inside I was like "***?! Aunt Jean is already going so how would she be taking her place?"
When I told Stan he asked if we should just cancel. I said "No Way! We waited so long to finally decide to get married and I am not backing out this time buddy. Besides I am marrying you, not my mom or your sister!"
I also said that I didn't care if anybody else went as long as Malisa and Paul are there(which they will be)
Now Malisa is my cousin and Paul is her husband. I used to be their live-in nanny for 2 of their almost 6 kids!:scared1: They are how Stan and I met. Stan and Paul are best friends. So if I had to pick anybody at our wedding it would be them.
So since everybody is driving me nuts, I have decided to not let my guests bother me. If they come, great! If not, Oh well they missed out on a fun time and screw them!
I think of it this way too: It'll be cheaper for me and the cheaper the better!:lmao:
I figured that since I am on here surfweb: I might as well update this thing. I am not to good about keeping up with this journal.

I found my dress and I am ordering it this week!!! I went all out and decided to go with Maggie Sottero. I love her designs! Its super gorgeous made from chiffon(great for hot florida sun) and has beading on the bust. Yeah, I'm gonna be gorgeous!

I also have my colors straight finally. I always wanted red roses so thats what I am going with. Red with a hint of my favorite color, orange!

My Bridesmaid dresses are red that fades into orange but its not tacky looking. Its more of a red-orange and its not that noticeable. Then it goes back to red at the bottom.
I am making their bouquets which are just smaller versions of mine. They look very pretty so far but I need to cut the stems to finish them and can't find my special cutters anywhere. I swear my house eats my things:headache:

I guess you could say I am going for a monochromatic color scheme. That is my new phrase of the week, BTW. I learned it in the past week with trying to find a color scheme to go with red.

Anyhow we also settled things with Stan's daughter, Cristal. All I can say is she should learn how to deal with her grief differently and not to mix anger in with it. Its a volatile combination and she hurt a whole lot of people. Some of which still refuse to talk to her.

And hopefully my mom and sister will make it. We found out that the first day of school is Sept. 2 and Becky said that she would be there if school didn't start the week of my wedding :rainbow:

My other sister isn't sure about her coming or not. Her hubby is being deployed again. Thankfully its not to Iraq again. He is going to Korea. So she will be a single mom(as she says) for a year and has no idea if they can make it. I willing to bet its a no though.
Ok thats it for now!
Wow - lots going on. First all I can say is the day is about the two of you and anyone who is there to see you is great. Don't worry about people not coming even if its your closest family members. DFs parents decided they were not coming for religious reasons then his mother tried to get all of his family on her side and tried to talk them all into not coming. I was beside myself I was so upset. Then I just decided not to care. And my favorite of his family members are coming!

I figure all of the others will get to see photos and be totally jealous when we get back. Besides if you are on a budget - its fewer people to have to pay for. I am so glad you guys are finally getting married. 7 years is a really LONG time. Post lots of pictures!!! I can't wait to see more.
LOL i just realized I haven't updated this thing in a verrryyy looong time! So much has happened in the past few months...

I feel like screaming though...If another person doesn't show up anyway...I knew that my mother wasn't going to be there and now my sister blew me off...I will not let that get me down...There was a huge family arguement and I am not on speaking terms with my family....

I am almost ready to go...I should hope I am anyway I leave in 3 weeks! I have to say I am getting very nervous..

It took me forever to find suits for my boys and Stan still has no jacket. And since my sister isn't going with us now, I used the credit with southwest to fly Stan down to Florida for a week with his best friend for a bachelor party! Its funny though..He leaves this Thursday and will be gone for a week, then he comes home for a week and then we are all going down to Florida...

I will definitly update before I leave and of course when I get back with lots of pictures!!!!:flower3:


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