Little boys in the women's restroom

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Too danged many people out there feel as if the whole world needs to bow to their whims!

I agree with this statement 100%. Unfortunately, I believe a person who wants to bring a teenage boy into a ladies room and expects everyone in that room to simply suck it up, fall into the "bow to my whims" category. Come on.. some 13 year old boys have passed puberty and belong in the MEN's room.
I agree with this statement 100%. Unfortunately, I believe a person who wants to bring a teenage boy into a ladies room and expects everyone in that room to simply suck it up, fall into the "bow to my whims" category. Come on.. some 13 year old boys have passed puberty and belong in the MEN's room.

I think very few people are talking about a teenage boy. The OP mentioned that the boy was 7.
I think very few people are talking about a teenage boy. The OP mentioned that the boy was 7.

I know and I'm 100% on board with young boys. I was commenting on that posters comment about bowing to whims in where she mentioned taking a 13 year old with you if you think it'll keep him safe.

I expect a certain amount of patience and respect from people when it comes to my preschoolers (like restrooms, acting up in public, etc.). I also feel it's my job to do my best to be respectful of those around me too. I think keeping my boys (when they are teens) away from ladies rooms would include that. We all share this world and need to respect each other.
Someone's preteen daughter feels uncomfortable with your son in the restroom? I say her parents need to get her some counseling. If she is so afraid of males that simply being in a room with one makes her uncomfortable, she needs help.

I want my preteen daughter to feel uncomfortable with males her age or older in the ladies room for HER own safety. Sexual predators come in all sizes, ages and descriptions. Now I think she knows a seven year old going into a stall with his mother isn't a threat, but what about that almost six foot tall 12 year old cowering by the towel dispenser? Is he embarrassed beyond belief that his mom dragged him into the ladies room or keeping his face hidden while he looks for a victim? At Disney I'd think he was embarrassed but in the real world I wouldn't be so sure. And I don't want my child to let her instincts or guard down just because it's Disney.
My friend - my godson's mother - is a pediatric nurse at a local children's hospital. I just got an email from her (I had mentioned the discussion here), and she told me about the parenting classes at her hospital (and some very disturbing stories from her hospital that I wish I could scrub out of my brain). She said they teach that the criteria a parent should keep in mind - and is much more important that actual age - is that if faced with an inappropriate action by an adult, the child will be able to 1. recognize it; 2. understand what is happening; and 3. raise the alarm with others appropriately. Until they can truly understand those three things - and the parent is confident in their understanding - it's not appropriate to send them into an adult men's restroom alone.

A six year old may be able to repeat back to you that he's not supposed to let adults touch him, but that doesn't mean he really understands what you mean. Especially if the touching is put in terms of someone saying they are helping him (the crux of a disturbing ER story she just told me).
Another posted said that it was okay to bring your 12 year old ds if you felt he couldn't handle the mens room yet.

I agree that 12 is really too old to be in a woman's restroom. If you're worried that he won't be able to alert someone to what's going on, use a companion restroom. I think most 12 year olds would be mortified.
My friend - my godson's mother - is a pediatric nurse at a local children's hospital. I just got an email from her (I had mentioned the discussion here), and she told me about the parenting classes at her hospital (and some very disturbing stories from her hospital that I wish I could scrub out of my brain). She said they teach that the criteria a parent should keep in mind - and is much more important that actual age - is that if faced with an inappropriate action by an adult, the child will be able to 1. recognize it; 2. understand what is happening; and 3. raise the alarm with others appropriately. Until they can truly understand those three things - and the parent is confident in their understanding - it's not appropriate to send them into an adult men's restroom alone.

A six year old may be able to repeat back to you that he's not supposed to let adults touch him, but that doesn't mean he really understands what you mean. Especially if the touching is put in terms of someone saying they are helping him (the crux of a disturbing ER story she just told me).

Thank you, those are very good points!

A girl I have known since high school is a single mom of a son 13 and a daughter who just turned 10. When her son was 8 she too thought he was old enough to go to public restroom’s by himself. She was eating at a local restaurant. with both of her kids. When selecting their table she purposely selected ones where she could see the restroom door knowing her son always has to go as soon as they start to eat. He did end up going to the Men’s room by himself and she watch the door. After 10 minutes she asked a male employee if he would check on her son. When the employee went in the mens room he found a man molesting her son. See my friend did what she thought was right she watched for men going in and out. But she didn’t account for the man who was already in the restroom waiting on a young boy to come in unsupervised. The thing about that sicko he had done that thing two other times in neighboring towns...they think he probably did it more than that but they cannot prove it. But for this to happen at a small town restaurant better believe I would be more protective at WDW . Knowing what my friend and her son are still going through my son who is four goes with me now and will continue for several years. I take my daughter in obviously but we too have safety rules. She is in the stall next to me & if she gets done before me she stands in front of the door. If somebody has a problem with that it’s on them. I am a Mom and my #1 priority in life is to keep my babies safe.
Oh kind of on the subject one of my biggest pet peeves is to be at a Target or Wal-Mart that has a family restroom and the employees use it. Forcing parents to either wait or use the regular stall in the regular bathroom.
But who are you to decide that? There is sometimes a great disparity in maturity during these ages and I will always leave that decision up to the individual mother. I dont think that makes them paranoid. If your 9 year old is fine using the bathroom alone..thats fine, but I am sure there are some out there who feel they are not quite ready yet..I guess my point is, I don't get why that decision affects anyone else?? I have been to Disney alot and I have never seen a preteen(11+) in the ladies room...They do grow up eventually and use the bathroom by themselves.

I posted earlier about the boy that my 8 y/o grandaughter kicked in the face, after he looked under her stall door. I said at the time that the kid was probably around 10 years old, but he could have been a little older. Anyway, my point was, the kid had no business being in the ladies room at that age and especially not if he couldn't behave himself. By the way his mom called my GD an evil brat for kicking him, she apparently thought he did nothing wrong and my grandaughter should not have been upset at having a boy that age peering underneath her door.
I posted earlier about the boy that my 8 y/o grandaughter kicked in the face, after he looked under her stall door. I said at the time that the kid was probably around 10 years old, but he could have been a little older. Anyway, my point was, the kid had no business being in the ladies room at that age and especially not if he couldn't behave himself. By the way his mom called my GD an evil brat for kicking him, she apparently thought he did nothing wrong and my grandaughter should not have been upset at having a boy that age peering underneath her door.

I don't care how old the boy was or whether it was a girl OR boy nobody should be peeking under a stall.
The hysterical, self centered are the ones bringing their 10 and 12 year olds in, and I would not hesitate to contact security - and there is nothing wrong with my dd12 being uncomfortable with a boy her age in the ladies room - he does not belong there - and I would assume he would be absolutely mortified (unless he's developmentally delayed, and then yes, not a problem). Instead of smothering our children, lets get busy raising adults.

I agree. My boys would be mortified and the women/girls would certainly be uncomfortable. They are 9, 11 and 14. Come on parents, aren't your 12 year olds being dropped off at movies, dances at school, church events, the YMCA, etc ? The question (which I'm sure the op regrets ever asking ;) ) was about a 7 year old LITTLE boy who is traveling with ONE adult. Please don't bring your 12 year old boy into the restroom with me as I would feel so sorry for him, I couldn't concentrate on the tasks at hand.
Just one quick question..has anyone who has posted in this thread ever brought a 12 year old boy in the ladies room? Or for that matter even seen a 12 year old boy in the ladies room? I have been to Disney more times than I can count and I have NEVER seen it...I don't know why we are discussing 12 year olds in the ladies room.
Just one quick question..has anyone who has posted in this thread ever brought a 12 year old boy in the ladies room? Or for that matter even seen a 12 year old boy in the ladies room? I have been to Disney more times than I can count and I have NEVER seen it...I don't know why we are discussing 12 year olds in the ladies room.

To be honest, I don't think I've seen a boy over the age of about 8 in the women's restroom. Ever.
My friend - my godson's mother - is a pediatric nurse at a local children's hospital. I just got an email from her (I had mentioned the discussion here), and she told me about the parenting classes at her hospital (and some very disturbing stories from her hospital that I wish I could scrub out of my brain). She said they teach that the criteria a parent should keep in mind - and is much more important that actual age - is that if faced with an inappropriate action by an adult, the child will be able to 1. recognize it; 2. understand what is happening; and 3. raise the alarm with others appropriately. Until they can truly understand those three things - and the parent is confident in their understanding - it's not appropriate to send them into an adult men's restroom alone.

A six year old may be able to repeat back to you that he's not supposed to let adults touch him, but that doesn't mean he really understands what you mean. Especially if the touching is put in terms of someone saying they are helping him (the crux of a disturbing ER story she just told me).

OP, I just got back from WDW with my 7 year old. Normally, DH was with us, so he took him, but on days we went on our own, I took him without a second thought into the women's room.

Now in some of our local places, I send him into the men's just depends on the place.

One woman seemed to give me a dirty look....all the many many others didn't seem to even notice. I put him in a stall and took the one next to it, unless there was a line...then we both went in together.

Anyway, this child isn't a teen or even a preteen, so some of the hysteria you're getting is just Internet blather. You won't be bothered by this issue at WDW.

Have a great time!
No problem at all. Disney does not have an age restriction on their rest rooms or a policy for that matter. If it makes you uncomfortable, then you can use the Companion Bathrooms located through out the parks. Have a great trip.
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