Losing more attractions....

It's the kitsch Voice :D ...JC is so lame it is cool. How can you not love the 'lame' spiel the captain's (some better than others) give? And yes, AK does make JC a bit redundant which is why I believe we will see some changes someday, but I still think it'll be an 'event' to casue this. JC is a true attraction, the others you mention just aren't from the same ilk...
:smooth: :smooth: :bounce: :smooth: :smooth:
Did you get odds Matt?

No, Captain, I lost my secret decoder ring. ;)

Seriously though, AV, I'm just curious if your comments are based on the overall trend you see, or if you have actually heard "rumors" that JC may close. If you have actually heard something, it would be helpful to know what you considered the chances to be.

I'm not about to predict whether it will or won't close. But I will go on record as saying that if it were to close for just about any reason, without a reasonably timed plan to either fix the problem, or replace it with a top-flite attraction, I will say its a bad decision. I don't care if the new attraction sells plush, if its good its good.

The only reason I put in a "just about" clause in front of any reason is that if the ride's popularity significantly wanes for some reason, or a safety hazard pops-up, I could understand closing it and not replacing it provided the reason is that funds are being used for a new attraction somewhere else in the park. For example, if the money that it would have taken to fix 20k, or make the site useable for a new attraction, was used on Splash, fine. That was a wise decision. But that doesn't explain why nothing has been done since. Closing 20k was a takeaway, as is CoP and Timekeeper. I know Walt said the parks would be constantly changing, but I think his vision included outdated or unsuccessful attractions being replaced, not left vacant.
There's one other item to consider - Disney is spending alot of $$ re-furbishing the 5 "Classic" DL rides (JC, HM, PoC, SM and Small World - I think) in time for DL's 50th anniversary. On the one hand it's worth spending $$ at DL and on the other you close it at MK? I don't buy it. If anything, if the renovations to JC (including rhinos attacking and rocking the boat) prove popular, I could see them being carried over to MK - maybe for the 35th anniversary?
Who knows what the bean counters have planned. I don't think we will ever know until "they" want us to. The CM who worked at " Doug Live" we clueless when that closed. The members of the WDW marching band were dumfounded w
hen they received their walking papers

My family loves JC but it is only as good as your Captain. One thing I notice is that it takes a huge amount of real estate for one attraction. Maybe WDW in Orlando is feeling pressure from Universal that Disneyland isn't as effected by...just a thought.

How many years have we been hearing rumors about the "great Movie Ride " and nothing hapens??
Splash Mountain opened in 1992

20k closed in 1994 - no replacement - ALWAYS long lines
Skyway closed in 1999 - no replacement - ALWAYS long lines
Keelboats also closed in 1999 - no replacement - lines varied
TimeKeeper closed / went seasonal in 2001 - no replacement announced yet.
ditto for COP

I wont mention Toad and Lion King show becasue both of them have/will have replacements that are at least equal to what had been there.

Point is, Disney will close attractions that are popular with guests. I have no problem with them closing JC if a worthy replacement is announced at the time the attraction closes.

Although I'd really like something in the lagoon...Even a great water fountain/music show would satisfy me...

Agreed - Although I'd rather see a "real" attraction. An E-Ticket for an E-Ticket I say!
These threads are growing too fast to keep up.

I put the changes on this particular rumor at 30%. I first heard this one a while back, some more later and then saw it on this board. There’s also a lot of other information that “fits” too well into the picture to ignore. I still see a lot of reasons why this wouldn’t happen, but no hard information that it won’t. So I didn’t post anything about this one, but wanted to drop a hint just in case.

Rumor analysis at Disney (and all of Hollywood) is more like military intelligence than it’s like gossip. Disney is so huge that most of the time related departments don’t even know what’s going on. And the Company is so rigid that an executive can force down an idea despite how stupid the decision seems to be to others. Figuring out what’s true is an exercise of judging different bits of information, seeing what makes sense from past experience, and simply knowing how the company works.

A case in point is that Marty Sklar, the former head of WDI, told a newpaper that he would lie down in the street to prevent the closure of the submarines at Disneyland. A few weeks later those submarines where hauled off to the scrap heap over that very same road. People had already been talking the situation (which is how the question scan up in the first place), and many people had already figured that money had already won over the guests.

It’s not a pleasant time inside The Company now. For the last three years there’s been a running battle between Walt’s Company (Animation, Parks) and Michael’s Company (Broadcasting, Synergy). The basic feeling is that Walt’s divisions have been looted to pay for the failures of Michael’s. Those few who are left feel defeated and disheartened. The fight is gone.

So a major old school attraction being closed to save a few bucks and push some more toys – that idea really does seem possible these days to many people.
TONIGHT on TCM (or actually early tomorrow am) @:30 AM EDT--watch Executive Suite, a soap opera about the internal and eternal battle between bean counters and idea men...(it's a movie so you know who wins, unlike real life...)

Originally posted by space42
20k closed in 1994 - no replacement - ALWAYS long lines

Didn't it always have long lines because it was the slowest (loading & moving) attraction at MK?
Skyway closed in 1999 - no replacement - ALWAYS long lines
I think this falls into the safety hazard category. Some idiot leaned over too far & fell out... and died. Disneyland closed the ride.

Frankly, I miss both the Skyway & 20k Leagues, but I'm not in charge of the company. And, as AV so rightly points out, there are some real problems with the company at the moment. Personally, I think the time has come for Michael Eisner to go somewhere else. He was good for Disney for a while, but now has caused a great deal of harm to an institution beloved by many.

Jungle Cruise was Walt's favorite ride. However, due to the theme of Aninal Kingdom, it might be wise to move it over there.

King Triton:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
The idea that Animal Kingdom might make the Jungle Cruise obselete is one that was considered a few years ago when DAK opened. "Why would anyone want to take a fake safari when a real safari is just a few miles away?" was the common question. It has since been determined that not only does DAK/KS not cancel out the Jungle Cruise, but they actually compliment each other, just as Hall of Presidents and The American Adventure compliment each other. The time has come and gone as far as the possibility of Jungle being removed due to being overshadowed by DAK. That point is moot. It is a non-issue.

The other speculation dealt with an upcoming rehab or necessary maintenance being too expensive... I covered that in my note to Scoop. Again, not an issue.

As far as something else replacing Jungle just to provide a new experience, there were concepts floating around between '97 and 2000 for quite a few possibilities, but they all involved using the same basic infrastructure (same boats, same river, same trees) and adding effects and show scenes to create a new attraction (concepts included Tarzan and <koff> George of the Jungle). These have also passed.

And if you want to raise the argument that Jungle costs too much (resources, staffing, upkeep) and uses too much land that could be put to better use, I'd like to offer you the Tomorrowland Indy Speedway. It uses just as many CMs as Jungle, it uses MUCH more fuel, and it takes up a HUGE chunk of land that could easily handle more than one large scale attraction.
Steve, off topic but what does "Worst Episode Ever" and "Your catch phrase is hilarious, please say it clearly for my answering machine tape" mean?
Originally posted by OnWithTheShow
Steve, off topic but what does "Worst Episode Ever" and "Your catch phrase is hilarious, please say it clearly for my answering machine tape" mean?

I know the first one...." Worst Episode Ever"...its a characters catch phrase from the Simpsions. "The Comic Book Guy"(he runs a comic book store) and is in general the "geek" of the show being a fan of Star Wars, Star Teck and so on.

The other may be from the Simpsions too ?? Or ijust genereal info?
Europa hit it right on the nose. It just felt like time for a change, and I'll probably have a new signature soon.

As far as the sponsorship goes, It was goodyear, then they pulled out, and now the Indy Motor Speedway has agreed to some cross-promotion, but it's not a sponsor in the same sense as Coca-Cola (GMR), Hallmark (one man's dream) or Energizer (star tours). And I don't think that a similar agreement to DL's autopia makeover (Chevron) is possible with Exxon/Mobil on property here.

As far as something else replacing Jungle just to provide a new experience, there were concepts floating around between '97 and 2000 for quite a few possibilities, but they all involved using the same basic infrastructure (same boats, same river, same trees) and adding effects and show scenes to create a new attraction (concepts included Tarzan and George of the Jungle). These have also passed.

We've heard rumors of possible ride additions to spruce up the current show. Not to remake the ride, but to enhance the experience. You say these remake concepts are now dead, does that also apply to the possibility of more minor enhancements??

Care to share any of the cooler concepts that were contemplated. Plus, you must have some really good ideas of what might be done to make things better that wouldn't break the bank. Love to hear some.
Some of the enhancements (not the alterations that I mentioned in my last post) are still in the works, although they are on hold for the moment. Accessiblility seems to be higher on the priority list right now. That's really all I want to say.
My vote would be to get rid of the speedway. Try as I might - when I think back to my trips to DL as a kid - I always remember JC, PoC and HM - but I don't remember the cars.

And maybe it's just the fact that I'm getting older - but las time I rode the speedway I thought I was going to pass out from the fumes!
There is a thread over on the LP discussion boards (concerning the May 18th WDW "announcement") which gives a supposed date for Jungle Cruise's demise: January 2, 2003. :mad:


Whethor this is "inside information", someone's speculation, or just a cruel joke - I have no idea. I thought I would pass this along, since it would sort-of fit with Another Voice's 6-12 month timeframe, but it still seems to defy common sense.

I sure hope someone attending the meet tonight is taking good notes for the rest of us! :)


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