Magic Happens commercial during the Oscars


Sep 5, 2000
Maybe some of you caught this or maybe I missed something, but here's an observation that may have some news/rumors merit. If you watched the Oscars on ABC, you probably saw the "Magic Happens" spot by Disney, the one featuring the guy who gave the girl the glass slipper. Just like the other spots in this campaign, touching and a nice feel-good corporate PR promo by Disney.

Here's what I thought was interesting, however. In previous spots (that I can remember), the tagline of "Magic Happens" appears, and then fades into the Disney logo, with the typeface and all.

HOWEVER, last night, the "Magic Happens" tagline faded into an outline of Mickey's head. Have they done this before? I don't recall it, though I may be wrong.

Do you think this change was made just to be more creative with the spots, OR could this be some sort of rebranding to fight the current copyright extension battle that Disney is facing with Mickey potentially going into public domain. By using the Mickey head more as a logo, they could be trying to say "you can't allow our logo to go into public domain." I know that this defense has been mentioned in various articles on the topic.

What are your thoughts?
Not flashing the “Disney” name is really just in keeping with an Oscar tradition. It’s always been considered bad form for the studios to advertise during the Oscars themselves since the award show is supposed to be a celebration of all of Hollywood. Perhaps The Company thought just using the mouse outline was in keeping with this tradition more than using the full name.

Yes, I have to laugh too but that’s been the charade anyways. On the more practical side the Academy is also very jealous of their own position in town and wants to make sure the Oscars are all about the Oscars and not make them anymore tainted then they already are. They made Kodak cover up the “Kodak Theater” sign out front and even Disney covered up the marquee for ‘Peter Pan 2’ playing at the El Captain Theater right across the street.
The ears should be trademarked and beyond the copyright issue.

AV’s explanation sounds like the reason. Saying that, I actually thought it makes a better ending that way. Not being banged with the name of the company seemed to make it less a sales pitch, yet you still get the intended corporate image/association. A very nice feel good commercial.

While the intent may be image, I still found myself asking what future behavior they hoped to elicit? Renting a video or taking a trip to WDW would not be the first things one would want to do to recreate that particular moment/feeling/circumstance. My wife, said it was a great spot, and must be a "guy" thing.
I've seen a few editorials lately about how terrible Disney is to attempt to keep Mickey all to themselves. I can't believe this! Disney certainly has every right to try to keep Mickey from appearing on sleazy t-shirts and the like. :mad:

By the way, I really like the "Magic Happens" campaign. Quite eye-catching and well done IMO. :)
I agree with Planogirl, The Magic Happens Campaign is great. the one with the glass slipper was excellent. Maybe it was just because I'm a newly wed, but I was waiting for the scan and had no idea what they were selling. I'm also a big fan of the DOnald voice one.


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