Main St. Bakery


DIS Veteran
Jan 29, 2002
Can anyone confirm what you can get for 1 CS credit for breakfast at the Main St. bakery? I know I have seen it discussed but could not find it. Thanks!
so far people are saying that anything under $4 is counted as CS, so if you see a muffin there for $3. then you can enjoy breakfast as a cs meal! :)
Jrabbit910 said:
so far people are saying that anything under $4 is counted as CS, so if you see a muffin there for $3. then you can enjoy breakfast as a cs meal! :)

Is this right?? I thought I heard that anything under 4 dollars is a snack. :confused3
Most items under $4.00 are a snack. angel's momma is right it's 2 items plus a drink for your CS


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