My No more excuses for being over weight journal


<font color=deeppink>You brought so much joy and p
Jul 16, 2006
I've decided to post on here because I need to be held responsible for all the choices I make good or bad. I first need to vent so here goes nothing... I have been over weight most of my life and I'm so sick and tired of food being my best friend :furious: I want to have the feeling of being able to walk into a clothing store and pick out a shirt without trying to find a size 2-X or size 20. I now, more than ever want to loose the weight because I hate feeling so tried and my back hurting all the time and I don't want to have a heart attack at 30. This is so absurd because I am only 26 years old :sad2: I joined curves and weight watchers at the same time and it was working well. I had lost 15.2 pounds. I was on a schedule. I would go to curves 4 times a week and weight watchers every Thursday and I felt like finally I was going to win the battle with weight that I have been fighting all my life. well..... then came school 3 nights a week, no time to cook, out to eat 3 times a week and then it went down hill. I since been going back to Curves. trying to go 3 times a week and eat well, but this time time around it's sooooooo much harder. but damm it!!!!! I'm gonna do it this time. :cheer2: I want to live a long time for my husband and I want to feel good in the skin I'm in because you only get one life and I want to make the most out of it and I'm going to make this happen. not to mention everyone tells me that the older you get the harder it becomes to loose the weight and things don't snap back to where there suppose to be which I'm not really sure if that's all true because there is lots of people who are older then me and they have worked hard to loose the weight and they look great. so.... hopefully posting on here and having the support from this board will make it a little eaiser for me.
well.... today was pretty good. I stayed on track with my points but I did have some pasta that was worth 8 points (yes I know that I should not have done that but I love pasta) I drank what felt like a crap ton of water. I wanted a chicken sandwich really bad today from Jack in the Box but I'm proud to say I was a good girl and drove right past it and went back to work and ate my Lean Cusine with a sugar free jello but as I drove closer to the entrance I kept thinking oh... it's just one sandwich and this will be my last one then I thought of all those times that I've had these thoughts and said to myself these thoughts are what caused me to be over weight so I have to stop this crap and then drove right past the entrance so I was very proud of myself. I already have planned what I'm going to be eating Thursday so wish me luck and hopefully my will power will stay with me.
Today I did great :cool1: I had 2 pieces of toast 4 points with I can't believe it's not butter spray for 1 point and half a cup of fat free milk for 2 points. grapes for a snack, sugar free jello, lean cusine and more sugar free jello for lunch and fruit punch flavored crystal light. love crystal light and what I've heard in the past it counts towards your water intake for the day. Then I went to Curves :jumping1: and that felt great to work up a sweat and I'm going Friday after work if it's not to late. I usually never go on Friday as Friday is usually my free day to unwind from the crazy :crazy: work week because my job is stressful and so is the comute. I often get road rage on Friday's because that's usually the day when traffic is the worst. :furious: Any way I never go on Saturday just Monday-Thursday and for a treat I had a skinny cow ice cream sandwich for 3 points and let me tell you it was worth every point!!! yummy!!!!!!


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