My PJ!!! HOPING for 10/10/10


Jul 11, 2009
Hi all,

Thought I would start a PJ.:yay:

So, having proposed to my Now DF - on 29/02/08 - trying to be romantic - we rejected several possible wedding plans, and finally settled on a Disney Wedding. We don't want to invite LOADS of people and want to somethingspecial, so we are having an Escape wedding at WDW. We have booked our two week holiday - staying at Wilderness Lodge - and we have paid our wedding deposit. We were told by our travel agent, in UK, that we could book right away (in April 2009) but we now have to wait and see until FEB 2010, if we can have the date we want - it's stressful!

We have chosen the Yacht Club Gazebo, as it looks nice in the pictures

We have never been to WDW, but I always wanted to go, and we are also going to have our then nearly 4 year old son with us on the trip, and we want the occasion to be as special for him as it is for us, and where could be more special for a small person than WDW???

I have some sadness that my parens have refused to make the trip for teh wedding, but it's their choice, adn we will still have the wedding that we want. We are also having a party when we get home - my plan is to make a southern USA food buffet, so it ties in with our trip!

I am learning so much from the board though - like I can have my cake two different flavours - top tier and bottom tier, AND, since there is likely to be not so many of us, we can store the leftovers in our room fridge and enjoy them for a while after! DF is allergic to almonds so our choices will take that into consideration.

BUT, I have so many anxieties, so I thought I would put them in here, and hope that some lovely Disney brides / btbs etc will help me out. PLUS later in my PJ I can report how they resolved themselves!

Luckily, we have LOADS of time, *** I ahve started making my own invites and they are fiddly, PLUS I have Mickey patches to sew on my hemp OOT bags which is time consuming too!

We have decided who we would like to ask as witnesses (we are not having a "wedding party" as such - but I am planning to ask some one to travel with me in the Limo (after DF takes DS with him to welcome guests and be there in advance of me - although we are planning to walk down the aisle together) and I am planning to ask this weekend. Except I am not very confident and don't want the person to feel like it is an extra "job" I want them to have fun at the wedding with their family, but I would also like them to arrive with me, and then sign as a witness. Surely this is a NICE thing to ask someone to do, not an arduous task? Anyway, we shall see come Sunday

We are already thinking about music - but it's hard. Maybe "Be our guest" as people arrive and are seated, and first dance to "ugly bug ball" (we want to go for fun and not too syrupy - we are not your conventional wedding couple) what do you all think? The rest is a bewilderment as yet!

CLOTHES - ARRGH!!! No idea, hopeless at clothes and live in jeans, so terrified at the thought of choosing a dress to get married in - DF decided what KIND of suit he wants, so I want to see a pic of that and see what it inspires in me. Sadly the woman I am asking to be my "best woman" lives in USA, so can't really do the dress shopping help with me! It's going to be a nightmare!

Then being a small group we thought we would book a restaurant meal rather than a reception venue, but no idea where yet!

Then there's the rest of the holiday - ADRS seem to be a nightmare, so I am worrying about them ALREADY - we have DDP, and have already picked some places we really would like to eat while we are there, but it seems arduous to book them, and especially with the time difference in UK, and never ahving used the on line system before - I HOPE it will work out, we are fairly flexible about it all so...

So there we go. Installment one!
Sounds like you have some great ideas, I can't wait to hear more :) You picked what is going to be a really popular date, make sure you grab it before someone else does, I would try to book real early :thumbsup2 Don't worry about the dress shopping too much. I plan on getting married in 2011 so when I went to dress shops to look I just was kind of browsing and just like that I found it. It will just come to you if it's right. I am a jeans and t shirt girl myself. :)
Thank you thank you!

yeah 10/10/10 is going to be really popular, but the wedding planner at WDW told me that if we are flexible about time, then we should get the date and location, but we are getting that fax in to them on 10 feb 2010 at the crack of dawn trust me. HOWEVER, since our back up date is actually my 35th Birthday (12/10/10) it'll still be a special day!



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