My Theory on "Resort Intolerance" on the DIS

I have a few theory's on this:

1. People often misunderstand printed medium, and either don't know how their posts come off sounding, or don't take the time to word them carefully. I know I did this ONE TIME, just sent it without thinking about how it would sound, and WATCH OUT! It was not good, and I felt attacked and kind of stupid because it was pretty much my own fault for posting something that was obviously misunderstood.

2. DVC is a huge purchase for most people and they want to be sure that they made the right decision. When we were looking, it was almost a frustration that every resort had pros and cons. We were looking for the answer to "What is just absolutely the best resort?" and there is no answer to that question. Every resort has advantages and disadvantages, and the trick is to figure out which one is the best for your family. But people do not like to feel that perhaps they have made a mistake.

I'm very comfortable with our purchase, but if Disney would just build a small resort that's big enough to have anything anyone ever wanted, with a low points structure, within walking distance to every park (but still with charming monorails and boats), with a nice secluded feel and great bustling nightlife, theming that appealed to every taste, and the best pool on property with the largest rooms and most convenient set up with direct transportation from everyone's front door (but only if you like that), the lowest maintenance fees and purchase price, and plenty of availability even a month out, then we'll just buy there.

3. People have anonymity here and so sometimes say things they would never dream of saying to others, or do not try to phrase things politely.

I'm one of those people who's really excited to stay at my home resort, and also thrilled that I get the chance to try all the others too.

Also wanted to say that it's not all on these boards. When I told a friend who owns DVC where I was purchasing, the first thing she said was, "But why would you ever want to stay there! Don't you know that MY resort has...". So I think people everywhere want to defend their purchase and feel that they made the best decision and everyone agrees with them.

The thing is, if we all agree that there are lots of right answers because every owner is different, we'd have a much more civil discussion.
Personally, I don't think it has anything to do with which resort is "better"! I think it is which resort is better for that individual person. For me, I don't like spread out resorts. If OKW and SSR had 5,000 square foot 2 bedrooms I still wouldn't stay there. I like to be with in walking distance to the store and resturants in the resort. (I am not talking walking distance to the park) And this goes for all WDW resorts, not just the DVC resorts. I have stayed at GF, but only because I booked a conceirge room in the main building. Otherwise I would not stay at the Grand Floridian either because it is too spread out. I don't care for the "woodsy" theme of the WLV. Again, this is just my preference, it doesn't make my choice of resorts (BCV) any better. It just makes it better FOR ME! I don't like the hustle and the bustle of the Boadwalk. I prefer the peacefulness at BCV. Once again, this is just what is better for ME! I don't beleive anything I said above was bashing, these are just the reasons why I prefer the resort I do.
This whole thread seems sort of silly to me.

OF COURSE it's an individual preference. OF COURSE no resort is better than any other. DVC (and traveling/accomodations in general) is about what's best for you and your family. Period. End of Story.

I am not going to try to psychoanalyze those that do "bash" other resorts or feel the need to insist THEIR resort is best. I've read this entire thread, and there are many theories, but just as there is not one best resort for everyone there is not one answer to why folks get so defensive here sometimes.

Just as you and your family/friends don't always think alike not all DIS-ers think alike either. But we do have one thing in common or we wouldn't be DIS-ers-we all love WDW for one reason or another. Remember the spirit of Hanname and we'll all be fine. :grouphug: :wave: :flower3:
CHOPR said:
I Really Don't Understand The Venom Toward Ssr. It's Not Even Half Done Yet. A Little Patience Please! I Bought At Ssr And Have No Regrets ,but I Am A Little Baffled By The Negative Talk About It. To Each His Own. I've Learned In Life That Some People Know "everything" And This Forum Is No Different.
::yes:: ::yes::
It would be interesting to see who bought resale and who bought through disney.

Oh no!...are you suggesting that in addition to 'resort envy' -- there is also a group of people who have (gasp! ) 'Purchase medium envy'????? :earseek:


If they didn't get the cow for free, then they must have bot the milk!
We like all WDW resorts from the bottom to the top and all the ones in between. Do we have our favorites? Of course we do but to us any resort at Disney is better than being home and at work.
I do not understand why people care if someone dislikes something about a resort you like. As long as you like it that is what counts. Yet some take it so personally and post the same things to every thread about the resorts. If someone feels as though a resort is yucky, so what as long as you like it what do you care. That is their opinion and it is not directed to you personally. I read restaurant reviews all the time that people post words like terrible, waste of money, food worse than a frozen dinner etc. A lot of times it is about restaurants we like so we eat there. Could not care less what anyone thinks as long as we are happy. My grandmother always used to say: Until those people are paying my bills and paying my way, I will do what makes me happy and the heck with all of them. That is my philosphy also. Time is too precious to worry and get upset over someone posting a negative opinion about a DVC resort. Look at all the families that can not even afford a value resort and stay at FW in tents and are as happy as clams because they are in Disney.
First, let me say, I love our home resort of OKW, but I think all the DVC's are great, it's just a matter of peronsal preference. When we bought at OKW in 93, it was the only DVC, who knows, if the other DVC's were built, maybe we would have chosen one of them. We have and continue to thoroughly enjoy owing at DVC. I also remember when BW was first selling and we were at the pool one day and DVC member came back and told us that she had just toured BW and would be selling her points at OKW and how much she thought that BW was much better than OKW. She was so adamant, I thought she was going to pack her bags and move over right then and there. It was actually pretty funny. It was like OKW was now a one star resort and BW was a five star in her opinion. There were several other owners that trip that also made the decision to sell OKW and buy at BW. These people were pretty strong on their opinions as to the fact that they felt that BW was a far superior DVC to OKW. Maybe the battle of the resorts started way back then, before there ever was a Disboard. Anyway, being a long time member, I feel everyone should be able to voice their opinion and choice without the disparaging remarks.
There's no question that they are all top resorts. But some may be better than others to certain people and in some cases, FAR BETTER. But the reality is that even if one simply hates a resort and says so in every negative term they can think of, they are entitled to that opinion. One may think a certain resort is lower than Roach Inn. And as long as they are not factually inaccurate, no one should take offense. Some people can't stand Mercedes and BMW vehicles, that is their prerogative. One of the problems with this board is that if anyone says something that's the least bit negative about a resort, it's like you called their spouse or child vulgar names.

I think it's appropriate to question the validity of info presented but extremely childish to take offense because someone doesn't like your resort for whatever reason.
Dean said:
One of the problems with this board is that if anyone says something that's the least bit negative about a resort, it's like you called their spouse or child vulgar names.

I think it's appropriate to question the validity of info presented but extremely childish to take offense because someone doesn't like your resort for whatever reason.
I agree.
I think a short course in resort tolerance should be provided by the DIS. Are we not ALL HUMAN? Personally, as an OKW-American I can learn to live with the SSR-Americans, the BWV-Americans, the BCV-Americans, etc, etc. Can you??

I am an OKW-BCV-SSR-OKW add-on American, wonder if that means I should fight with myself?
:earsboy: I think a short course in resort tolerance should be provided by the DIS. Are we not ALL HUMAN? Personally, as an OKW-American I can learn to live with the SSR-Americans, the BWV-Americans, the BCV-Americans, etc, etc. Can you??[/QUOTE]

I guess I am bass ackwards.

I really don't pay any mind to people who dislike a resort that I enjoy.

There is a resort or two around @ WDW that the majority of the people love that I really don't care for, but that is just me.

Another thing, I am one of those people that are just as happy hanging out at the resorts as going to the parks.

I enjoy seeking who Disney has paid attention to detail when constructing the buildings.


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