Need help trying to get through this


<font color=red>Who needs a birthday for birthday
Feb 8, 2001
My 13 year has a best best friend in the world. She spent a ton of time over at her house and considered her mom kind of like a second mom. She was younger then me (32 compare to my 37) and was a beautiful pageant beauty queen. 6 months ago she lost her husband, the love of her life. After that she was never quite herself anymore. She was the cheerleading coach for our daughters school. A deeper insight in this is that when her dh collapsed at home (he was an ER doctor) the parametics wouldn't move him until he was stable, 2 hours later they "thought" he was stable enough for transport and got him to the ambulance. Once in the ambulance they didn't feel he was stable enough to start driving, this took another two hours. Four hours after he collapsed he arrives doa at the hospital, heart attack no chance to revive him.

A few weeks ago, I had Ivy, the best friend with my daughter and I and she got a 911 call from her mom. I guess she had been having some heart issues herself and her pills were downstairs in her car and she was to weak to them and they had JUST move into the new apartment 2 days prior and knew no one. We were about 20 minutes away so I flew down the intersate, Ivy trying to keep her mom conscience on the phone, her mom refusing us to call 911 and Ivy and Julia are freaking out. Plus Melissa (the mom) had her 18 month daughter home alone with her and all you could hear on the phone was the baby screaming.

SO finally we get there and race upstairs, she looks like heck.. we get her her pills and insists she NEEDS to take a bath. I keep trying to tell her I would feel better calling 911 but she pleaded not to after the experience she had with her husband. So I get her a drink to start getting her hydrated, help her to the shower and stand at the door to make sure she didn't pass out. When she got out of the shower her pills seemed to start working, they were actually knocking her out, making her woozy. In the mean time, my daughter and Ivy are dealing with Ivys baby sister, when we came in she had no diaper on and had helped herself to a cheese stick an juice box from the fridge.

I talk to Melissa for another hour, make sure her heart rate was slowing down and I felt she would be ok and I felt comfortable leaving. My daughter stayed overnight with them because ivy was to freaked out to be left alone with her mom an also to take care of the baby on her own.

A week later the cheerleaders were having an end of the season party at school and I went to the office to pick my daughter up and Melissa made a point to come out and hug and thank me for helping her that afternoon, she was telling everyone in the office that I was a hero and saved her. Her family all live in Pennsylvania and she doesn't have a ton of friends so I repeatedly reminded her that I was always available if she needed anything.

Fast forward a few weeks, school is out and Melissa and her two kids are up in Pennsylvania to visit family. Ivy had taken a shower and when she came out, the baby was screaming and Ivy saw her mom on the floor... they called 911 but she was beyond gone, there was NO chance of saving her.

I can't stop crying for those 2 sweet children. Melissa husband who passed away was not Ivy's bio father but she treated him and loved him like he was. And the baby, only 18 months old lost both her father and her mother in a matter of less then 6 months.

My heart is breaking for my daughter as well because Ivy will be staying in Pennsylvania because it's where her bio dad lives. They don't know what is going to happen with the baby, they are praying Ivy's dad will take the baby as well so that the girls are not separated, they've had enough trauma lately.

My daughter found out yesterday that the coroner's final report is that Melissa died from a broken heart. I've have heard of this before, it's just so hard to believe though.

As I said before Melissa was a beautiful pageant queen. She had just won the title of American's US Miss a few weeks ago.

I'm sorry for the novel, I have a lot going on in my life right now and don't really have anyone to talk to about this and I think it's just therapeutic to write it out. My heart is so sad.
oh my goodness, that is just a tragedy..:guilty:

My heart breaks for every one of you... Maybe your daughter needs someone to speak with? That certainly is a lot of loss for anyone, nevermind a teen going through so many emotions...

Please feel free here anytime at all.. This is a very good place, with the kindest souls on the DIS..:grouphug:to you...
This is so sad to read and I can tell so heartbreaking for you. Maybe her family will step into the situation with the girls and see to it they have a life together even if the father only takes his child. I know its not the same as living next door but your daughter could still remain friends with her and be someone familiar to talk to while she is going through this difficult time.


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