need help uploading an avatar


<font color=purple>I have been trying nonstop to w
May 28, 2006
so a friend of mine found me a REALLY awesome avatar. the size is perfect and everything, but it says that it's not a valid jpg image. i checked the link, and to the best of my knowledge it is, so can anyone offer some advice????

here you go!
I would say you save it to your computer, if you already haven't, then upload it from your computer. Links don't work well for me...

I don't know if it'll work. I've been having some problems myself.

ETA:I uploaded yours successfully on my computer. Should work now...
Dragonlord11_7 said:
I would say you save it to your computer, if you already haven't, then upload it from your computer. Links don't work well for me...

I don't know if it'll work. I've been having some problems myself.

ETA:I uploaded yours successfully on my computer. Should work now...
hmm.................. i'll try again then..............

okay, so it's not working. any chance you could be oh so kind and send me the link for it????
dancegrl1093 said:
hmm.................. i'll try again then..............

okay, so it's not working. any chance you could be oh so kind and send me the link for it????

I think he uploaded it from his computer, not a link. That's how I do my avatar too.
DementedRiku said:
I think he uploaded it from his computer, not a link. That's how I do my avatar too.
i know, but when i try, not only is it over the byte size, but it says that the jpg code is still not valid................ i mean when you browse your computer, it puts a link in the little window..................
That's very weird. It also shows up if I upload it off of my computer but when I uploaded it to photobucket it gave me the same "this is not a jpg" thing.

Try this link:

If that doesn't work try saving the picture on the link and browsing for it on your computer again. I'm pretty sure it'll work if you open it directly from your computer.
thanks! it's taking a while to load, so i have no idea if it's working or not........... thank goodness i can be on 2 screens at once!
when you download it to your computer, make sure it's saving as a .jpg and not a .bmp, because bmps are bigger in filesize and a lot of forums don't like them. When you download, underneath the file name there should be a pull down menu with file extension names, the one you need is .jpg

Sometimes internet explorer gets messed up and starts downloading all images as .bmp files, if that's what's happening let me know and I'll link you to instructions on how to fix it (though you might need an adult to do it).
so by now it still hasn't uploaded.............. i should be putting this in where it says url right??? not where it says from computer???
Yeah the link I gave should go in the first one for "URL's"

If not try to upload it straight from your computer again. That's how it worked for me and DragonLord.

uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh................ i'll try................

EDIT: it's not working................ what's wrong with my (beep) computer?????? i'm almost tempted to give someone my password and have them do it................
nothing works!!!!! it just says the page has expired............. my computer must be like broken..............
did you check what it's downloading as like I said? When you right click on the icon and click save as... does it save as a .jpg? Like I said, your internet explorer could be messed up. All you'd have to do is clear your cache. There are instructions on how to do that here -;en-us;810978&zx=156744ddf71ab919970643244 (that's the official microsoft website)
you might need to get an adult to do it if you don't understand the instructions. After you get that fixed, you'd have to download it again as a .jpg file and then upload it from your computer.
okay........... it was a bmp........... and i knew that was totally wrong, but you can't blame a kid for trying.................... thanks, i'll check the instructions.............


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