No Rehire Status Help..


Earning My Ears
Sep 9, 2012
Hi i go by the name of jerry and i just joined this forum. I am desperatly trying to get hired back into Disneyland and i dont know what are my best chances of getting in. I do still know some of the managers that work there but just there names.
But first let me tell you how i got my status. I got hired through a ROP class i was taking when i was in high school back in early 2007 and got hired mid 2007 after doing free work for school credits. I was there for 1 month away from 1 year from the date they started paying me which was mid 2007, so almost 1 year. Reason why i got fired a so called friend stole a iphone from another cast member in the locker rooms, He told me to unlock it for him since i have some knowledge with electronics but was my first time with a iphone on my hand since they were just released at that time. He told me it was his if i knew it wasnt i would of never took it. So long story short since i had no idea it was stolen i asked another cast member that knew about electronics to help me unlock it or what i could do. Little did i know half the castmemebers there including the person i told to help me knew a iphone was stolen earlier that day from a castmember that works in our are, Keep in mind i had no idea of this or i wouldnt be asking no one for help or showing it.
So he asked me to give him the serial number of the phone and little did i know he used that to trace it back to the owner from the apple store and i got caught with it.

They think i stole it. I didnt say it was the other cast member because i felt either way i was gonna get fired so i took the hit for it. All that i know is that when i came back from my suspension all the guy told me is i would never be able to hire back into disney

I dont even know if its a non rehire status but i am assuming it is since i dont know how to check that. I have been applying every year since then sometimes twice a year. I just miss it.

I have been trying to get in since 2008 but i never knew how to fight it or whats my best option. I really would love to get back into disney it was my first job and i loved it and i more then regreat the mistake i did for taking the blame on it to later find out if i would of said the truth i wouldnt of gotten fired.

My apologies if this is in the wrong section i didnt know where to post it. I really hope you can help me as i am desperate to get back in and make it back in to pursue a higher position there and be happy how i use to be.

I checked and have a No-Rehire Status
I don't know about Disney specifically but the majority of companies will have a no re-hire policy for theft. Whether you stole the phone or not, they will no doubt be classifying you as a thief because you didn't step up and tell them what happened. I think you need to move on and learn from this mistake because I think you are wasting your time tring to get a job back that is pretty much impossible to get. Sorry, I'm sure that's not what you wanted to hear but it's true.
Yeah, I agree with the previous poster. You had an opportunity to explain your innocence and you didn't take advantage of that. Now it's far too late. Consider it a life lesson, but short of setting up some type of tedious appeals process (that I don't even know exists), you're not going to work for Disney again.
Your mistake was not stepping up with full disclosure of what happened once it was discovered that it was stolen. You tried to protect yourself and your friend.

Nada you can do, learn from the mistake and move on.
The only way to know if you can work at a company again after being fired is to call the company directly and ask.

You need to call Disney's human resources dept and ask them if you can hire back in. They are they only ones who can tell you if there is anything you can do.

There is definitely a life lesson to be learned regarding taking responsibility for something you did not do. The repercussions can be giant - much larger than never being able to work for a company again.

Good luck,
Unlocking a phone is against the terms of service, so that makes you look like a rule-breaking and a red flag to not be hired.
The guy told me I had a no rehire and gave me a paper to fill out to fight it and give a explanation of why they should give me a second opportunity.
Has anyone done this before?
...All that i know is that when i came back from my suspension all the guy told me is i would never be able to hire back into disney

...I dont even know if its a non rehire status but i am assuming it is since i dont know how to check that.

...I have been trying to get in since 2008 but i never knew how to fight it or whats my best option.

...I checked and have a No-Rehire Status

The guy told me I had a no rehire and gave me a paper to fill out to fight it and give a explanation of why they should give me a second opportunity.
Has anyone done this before?

Okay, so it sounds like you know exactly what you need to do next.

You confirmed that you DO have no-rehire status.
You were given a form (?) to fight it and explain why they should consider re-hiring you.

So, you need to fill out the form and turn it in.

Be 100% truthful. Explain what happened. Explain why you didn't explain it before. Hope for the best.

Good luck,
I did I wrote a 1 page essay explaining it all and why I took the blame for it.
I just wanted to know if anyone has ever been through this process before and if so did you get it lifted?
The vast majority of posters on these boards are park guests. There are a few CM's who frequent the boards but they don't often identify themselves as such. Those who are CM's are not in the situation you find yourself in. Just trying to say that it would be extremely unlikely that you will find someone on these boards who has been in your shoes.

I'm not sure why you thought these boards could help you but I am trying to explain why you will not likely get firsthand knowledge of your situation. You will get opinions and suggestions, but not someone who has been through it also. I've been on these boards for several years and never seen anything like your post. I'm sorry you may have to find answers somewhere else. I hope it works out for the best.
Sorry about that I just have no idea where to get a answer about my situation or if someone has ever gotten it lifted.
I figured since it was a Disney forum I thought there could be some CM so my apologies if i have caused any trouble just looking for help as I really want to get back in.
I joined another forum as well Disney related but got one reply so this one has been more helpful then the other.
My understanding is that these situations are handled on a case-by-case basis. Other peoples' experiences have no bearing on yours. I think you need to accept full culpability in this. The only reason to have to unlock a phone is if it isn't yours. That the other person needed the phone unlocked should have been a red flag for you that it did not belong to him or her. Although you did not take the phone, you are still in part responsible for the theft. On your form, talk about how you understand your role in the theft. Don't try to blame it all on the other person and that your only mistake was not speaking up when you were "caught." Nobody can tell you what your actual chances are, it will depend on the circumstances, how you describe them, and the opinion of the supervisor(s) reviewing your case. Good luck.
Sorry about that I just have no idea where to get a answer about my situation
You can get the answer from Human Resources. You may not like the answer your get, but that's were you get the answers.
I had a friend who was in a similar situation, (although he was fired for an entirely different reason) he was marked as a non-rehire. Fast-forward about 6 years, he tried applying again to the same company, and after several interviews, corporate HR finally said his status was still a non-rehire, and it was non negotiable.

So if it were me, I would contact HR directly, but truthfully, I think you are out of luck.


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