No Thank You, No Thank You, No Thank You....


<font color=navy>I Owe, I Owe, so Off to Work I go
Apr 30, 2002
Just practicing my "No Thank You's" 'cause DVC called last night and since I'm so caught up in the hype of our trip, I agreed to go on a tour!:eek:

My Guide is Ricardo! They are arranging to pick us up at RFC, AK and we take the tour, then they will drop us back at the AKL!

What was I thinking!:rolleyes:


Uh, oh Scratch. We took a tour once - and bought in!!!! It's very hard to resist. Actually we didn't buy in right at our tour, but we did buy in a few months later.:D

BTW, we kept if for about 5 years, but then sold (for more money than we paid) because the Can$ was so high at the time and we were wanting to go on cruises more than to Disney.

Check out the DVC board here before you go. There is a ton of info there, or you can pm me if you want.
LOL, Janet! Just think of it as a great way to find out about the resort and when Ricardo gives you the big spiel, just tell him that you work at a KK Donut Shop, don't earn enough to buy into DVC and that it took years of donut making to be able to afford your trip! ;)
We own @ DVC, and love it, so there - I've declared my bias!

We bought sight unseen, on the recommendation of a friend from work - so no tour, sales pitch or anything for us.

What I have been told though, is that the DVC timeshare 'pitch' is *nothing* like a typical Florida timeshare high-pressure sales job - the kind of 'block the door, don't let you out' kind of thing.

DVC does have it pretty easy - the product pretty much sells itself. They're not desparate for buyers, so if someone's not interested, there are plenty more lined up at the door!

I will echo PoohBWV's comments - check out the DVC board here, and you can msg me if you have any questions...

uh oh is right Scratch...we said "no thank you" last Sept, and here we are - albeit 11mos later! - DVC owners!! at BCV!! At least the $ is better than it was:rolleyes: Just enjoy the tour - would like to offer to give you some points to "try" the DVC out...but ours are spoken for until 2042!!:p :bounce: :Pinkbounc Your guide won't try to pressure you into anything...they will give you a lovely :-)p ) brochure and tape to watch when you get home...just keep practising...cause the urge gets worse when you get home!!:p
To quote something I heard just recently...

"You Fool!"

LOL :p

Why am I picturing Ricardo Montalban & his little friend tattoo

"De plane... de plane!!...."

But it's Rrrrrrricky Rrrrricardo! and Lucy!


I'm gonna read the DVC boards but I know the thing that gets me is the "Use Year"!

But not tonight, I thru my back out this week and someone at work gave me Tylenol 3's to take and I'm definately feeling no pain!:)

Thanks, guys, if I do have any questions will definately pm!

We toured OKW back in 98 on our honeymoon and it took us 3 years before we bought in mind you I was in school when we went on the tour. We look back now and wish we would have done it then but oh well we still love the fact we own DVC and are adding on to our points in Oct.
Janet, you are able to live my biggest fear -- I have the DVC video and booklet and would love to buy into it but at this point I think it's too much $. Those student loans you know! My fear is that if I went on the tour I'd never be able to say No Thank you!!

Have fun.
We said YES & have no regrets

We're happy owners at VWL & love going therre. We use the kitchen to make easy meals & save lots. I'm sure that adding on the cost of meals to All Star hotels brings the total cost to more than our lovely suite costs us.

from MB

:teeth: :bounce:
I would love to buy into DVC....but my problem is EVERYONE else, DH, SIL etc, etc. I'm trying to arrange, sneekyly (good word huh!), to get SIL to take the tour in Oct....maybe I can convince one of these Mudduck's it a great idea. We are trying to sell one given to DH & SIL in Mexico, given by their Dad...and they don't want another timeshare....:( especially in Disney

Maybe if Ricardo is good looking & single, I could get SIL interest! in Dvc of course!:p
That's funny Janet :p Everytime we walk by the DVC booths in WDW, my boyfriend tends to pull me along and walk a bit faster. He doesn't want me stopping in and taking a tour :p It's probably for the best *lol*
LOL Janet, this should be a good story when you get home! :)

DH and I took that tour many years ago, when they were still selling memberships at OKW. We just went out of curiousity, mine actually, I was dying to see what the place looked like! :)

We didn't buy, and I've always ...sort of....regretted it. :)


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