Noelle's WISH Journal


Jan 20, 2003

My name's Noelle and I'm 34 years old. Almost 3 years ago, my mom took a picture of me at Halloween with my kids. A few weeks later she gave me it and I was AMAZED at how big I was. So I decided to do something about it. I joined a gym and worked out every other day for 3 months. But I wasn't losing anything. I went to the Doctor (determined that I must have something medically wrong). They took tests and said I was fine. He suggested I look into Weight Watchers.
I started at 186 pounds. It took me about a year and I got down to my goal weight of 136. Then I kind of maintained at 138. But since my company quit the WW "At Work" program, I figured I'd go it alone. Then I had some really bad emotional things. I comforted myself with food. :( But at least I knew I was doing it.
Well, I've managed to get up to 154. When I lost my weight, I ditched all my "pudgy" clothes. Now, I'm finding most of my pants a little too snug and there is NO WAY I'm going to go out and buy bigger clothes again. :p So....I just need to focus and get back into my healthy eating and increased activity. I know it's going to be harder this time. But it's SOOOOO worth it.

Just reading these boards is VERY motivating. 2 days in and happily on my way!:sunny:
Welcome to WISH, Noelle! :)

I hope you have great success in your efforts to get back to your goal weight. We all believe in you and will support you all the way! You can do it! ::yes::
Thank you, Princess Michelle!

Got on the scale this morning and I was 150.5 lbs. I know it's mostly water weight. But still feels good to be a little lighter. :)

I went walking at lunch time and really focused on "healthier" food choices.

My challenge for the next week is to try to exercise a little more than just walking at lunchtime at work.
Well, I think I need to go back to WW. Not just follow the program again....I say this because I notice that I'm just not being as faithful as I should be. I guess I took it more seriously when I knew that I had to weigh in and that someone else was actually going to look at it.
It's starting to get colder and it rained today. I can't really count on being able to walk at lunch time. Right now, financially; I can't join a gym. So I'm going to have to find some alternatives. I do have a few exercise tapes I could do in the early mornings before I get ready for work. I think I might give that a try tomorrow.
Rejoin WW if that is what you feel you need. I have a sister-in-law that was doing great losing weight as long as she went. Once she stopped she couldn't do it on her own. That is ok, we all need to do what works for us.


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