(OFF TOPIC) but.....very excited.......


I can't wait till tomorrow....why? because I get b
Sep 2, 2003
My hubby is going for his vasectomy tomorrow!
i know this has nothing to do with weight loss but, it could being that I wont be scared to get prgeo anymore! lol

Anyway we all post good news here so I thought Id share....
so you all know, we have four kids and have our handful.Hubby and I are both still young and could have kids for another 20 years or so.......
I can;t imagine my little being 20 and me prego again! So we're taking the plunge!

Just tell your DH on the day of this event to ask his Dr how many cups of coffee he/she had - We wouldn't want shakey hands!;)

I wish your DH luck - but its a simple office procedure - and he will be fine!:D
Do your DH a favor and pick up two bags of frozen corn or frozen peas. He'll know what to do with them after the surgery. :D
My DH has been there, done that! I second the idea of frozen corn or peas - the bags make great lightweight ice packs!

Since DH went through labor & delivery of our 2 kids with me, I elected to go through the procedure with him. Of course I was holding his hand and focusing on his face so I wouldn't faint, but he appreciated that I was there.

I'll keep your DH in my prayers for a quick & painless procedure and an easy recovery, Renee!
HIall..well its done, hubby is doing well,,,,,,, and enjoyed me catering to himthe whole day yesterday but thats DONE too!
he is much better today and just glad its over now, we justhave to be careful the next few months!

bye all
Renee, I'm happy to hear your DH is doing so well!

I remember very clearly the call from the lab after DH's vasectomy and subsequent testing. I answered the phone and the lab tech told me DH's test was negative. I made her repeat it again. Then, I told her I really needed to be SURE I understood correctly - a negative test means I CANNOT get pregnant, right??? She assured me - no pregnancy. I think I made her repeat it half a dozen times - NOT something I wanted to misunderstand or be unclear about. I bet she was laughing hysterically when she hung up the phone! :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:

I hope all continues to go well for your DH! :sunny:
Good decision on your parts..it is a much simpler procedure then if you had your tubes ties.

My DH refused to have the surgery..... he wanted more kids. I had problems with 2 out of 3 preg. I did not want to go thjrough it again. I had my tubes tied. The surgery itself wasn't so bad, but it was being put under and I don't deal real well with that stuff. Oh well 11 years later and no more babies. The funny thing is when I came home after surgery and took one look at Melissa (2 months old) I started to cry because she would be my last baby.....silly Mommy!


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