Orange County Stay in Place...Looks like no opening

Closing down the state...kind of like what they did in China when they closed down a province only in China the people listen or ELSE! Unfortunately in this country people don't always do the right thing and don't always follow directions/orders very well. If they did that in China it wouldn't end well for them...

Maybe it has to come to closing states. Maybe NY needs to be closed down since it seems to be the epicenter at this time and the residents of NYC decided it would be a good idea to go to FL instead of staying in the city like they were told to do. Unfortunately not all of NY is in bad shape but that's the problem with this type of situation. I live in NJ, the southern part of the state where the number of CV-19 cases is low but I still live in NJ so we are considered a hot spot.

On the bright side it seems that the number cases in NY are slowing down. Granted the number is much large then it was but still the rate it is doubling is lower. Maybe a little light at the end of the tunnel?

My son and his wife may have had the virus, they had all the symptoms but because they aren't considered in the "at risk" group they weren't given the test to verify if they did or didn't have the virus. They are both doing well now and my son should be able to return to work on Monday as long as his temperature stay normal. I guess this goes to show you anyone could have the virus and not know it.

Stay healthy everyone. I hope this will be a distant memory sometime soon.


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